English-Grammar - Demonstrative Adjective



Demonstrative Adjective


A demonstrative adjective modifies a noun or pronoun in a sentence and also emphasizes its importance. The most common demonstrative adjectives are this, that, these and those. The demonstrative adjective, in a sentence, comes just before a noun or pronoun and tells us which one it is specifically modifying. The correct demonstrative pronoun can be chosen by identifying its location (near or far) and how many there are (singular or plural).

Demonstrative adjectives tell us whether an object is near or far from the speaker. There are only 4 demonstrative adjectives.

This refers to a single person, place or thing that is near the speaker. Example: This apartment needs to be painted.

That refers to a single person, place or thing that is far from the speaker. Example: Bring me that book.

These refers to more than one person, place or thing that are near the speaker. Example: I am keeping these pencils.

Those refers to more than one person, place or thing that are far from the speaker. Example: Please give me those clothes.

Yon and yonder are not used much in modern English


Did you want this piece of cake or that one?

Do those dogs live here?

Yes, these dogs live here.

This book is my favorite.

I've never read that book.

How much are these earrings?

Those earrings cost $30.

Difference between Demonstrative Adjectives and Demonstrative Pronouns:

This, that, these, and those are both Demonstrative Adjectives and Demonstrative Pronouns. It all depends on how we use them. Demonstrative adjectives come before the noun they describe, while demonstrative pronouns replace the nouns they represent.


Hand me that pencil, please. (Demonstrative adjective)

Hand me that, please. (Demonstrative pronoun)

Do you want to see this movie? (Demonstrative adjective)

Do you want to see this? (Demonstrative pronoun)

Look at those geese! (Demonstrative adjective)

Look at those! (Demonstrative pronoun)

These chips are too spicy for me. (Demonstrative adjective)

These are too spicy for me. (Demonstrative pronoun)

While using demonstrative pronouns, the noun we replace is either obvious or it's been stated before. If the noun is still present, it is a demonstrative adjective.

Numbers can also be Demonstrative Adjectives.

Just like other demonstrative adjectives, ordinal numbers (such as third, fourth or fifth) can act as demonstrative adjectives. They indicate which noun you are talking about.


The first paycheck I received was for $1500.

The seventh day of the week is Saturday.

In the late nineteenth century, the Civil War in the United States was fought.

After my third piece of pizza, I was stuffed.

For her fiftieth birthday party, we bought my mom a huge cake.

Cardinal numbers, (one, two, three, four, …) are not considered demonstrative adjectives. When they indicate how many of an item there are ("two kittens" or "sixteen candles"), they are descriptive adjectives.

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