English Grammar - Adjective of Quantity

English Grammar

Adjective of Quantity


Adjective of quantity indicates the amount or estimated amount of the noun or pronoun in the sentence. It does not provide information about exact numbers; it tells only the amount of noun in relative or whole terms”

Adjectives of quantity show how much of a thing is meant.

Examples: some, little, enough, no, much.

These adjective words answer the question, “How much of it?”

Example sentences.

She eats a whole apple daily.

I ate some rice today.

He has only little knowledge about this project.

He cannot spend his all money over you.

There is no milk in the glass.

All the students have passed the exam.

There is enough petrol to reach to the destination.

There are hundreds of students who take part in the quiz competition.

I know very little about classical dance.

Add some sugar to my coffee.

We have sufficient study-materials to pass the examinations.

We need to have some

I have little faith in the God.

We have enough time for practice.

He had supported poor people all through his life.

There is little water in the pot.

Is there any mango in the tub?

She spent all her moneys.

Only few birds are flying in the sky.

Most of the boys like to eat burger.

He gave me some money.

There is no sugar in the tea.

He has put a little milk in the cup.

He has already wasted much time.

There is enough food in the kitchen.

She has enough money to enjoy the fair.

She was brilliant enough to pass her exam.

I got very little water in the school.

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