English Grammar - Adjectives of Quality


English Grammar

Adjectives of Quality


Adjectives of Quality or Descriptive adjective are words that tell us about the kind or qualities of a person or thing being talked about. It can be defined as “An adjective which is used in the sentence to express the size, shape, and color of a person, thing, animal, or place”. They give more information about the noun.

Examples: Greasy, happy, thick, yearly, heavy, excited

Examples of Adjectives of Quality in Sentences

She is a beautiful lady.

The elephant is a large animal.

The forest is green.

It is an excellent story.

Chinua Achebe was a great writer.

The greasy fries were just what I needed after a workout.

Do you see the wooly sheep in that pasture over there?

We have daily homework to complete for Mr. Jones.

The lovely roses are carefully tended by a sweet lady, who lives near me.

Aren't you a clever girl to think of a way to complete the problem that quickly!

I don't want the blue shirt.

Could you help me with all of this dirty laundry?


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