Question Bank 5


Question Bank 5


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QuestionBank 5

Choose the correct answer from amongst the three alternatives:

1.               The image of light house is used as a:

a)               Style

b)               Theme

c)              Metaphor


2.               Physical beauty refers to one-time sweet heart of:

a)              Shakespeare

b)               Earl of Southampton

c)                W.H.


3.               If found wrong, the poet stakes his claim:

a)      To be called a poet

b)       To be a true lover

c)        To be a true friend


4.               In the second line there is a reference from:

a)               The Bible

b)               Sea metaphor

c)              Prayer Book


5.               The number of sonnets addressed to the young man were:

a)               154

b)               28

c)              126


6.               William Shakespeare was:

a)               a great reformer

b)               the biggest atheist

c)              a universal Genius


7.               The Elizabethan age of literature was at the center of:

a)              National life

b)               Creative Output

c)                Imaginative writers


8.               Censorship on printing was first imposed during the reign of:

a)               Queen Elizabeth

b)               James I

c)              Tudors


9.               The order to get the books licensed was passed in:

a)               1566

b)               1576

c)              1586


10.        The Spanish Armada posed a threat to:

a)              Security of England

b)               Defense of Spain

c)                Church of England


11.        Queen Elizabeth was succeeded by:

a)               Charles I

b)               Tudors

c)              James I


12.        The English Church was declared independent of the Pope by:

a)               Queen Elizabeth

b)               Tudors

c)              Henry VIII


13.        Sonnet belongs to:

a)               Shakespeare

b)               England

c)              Italy


14.        Twins to Shakespeare were born on:

a)               May 26, 1583

b)             February 2, 1585

c)                November 28, 1582


15.        Shakespeare bought ‘New Place’ on:

a)              May 4, 1597

b)               August 11, 1596

c)                May 6, 1597


16.        The sonnets addressed to the Dark Lady are:

a)              26

b)               54

c)                24


17.        Shakespeare addressed 126 sonnets to:

a)               H.W.

b)               D.L.

c)              W.H.


18.        The ‘eyes of the heaven’ are:

a)              The sun

b)               The God

c)                The poet


19.        Death cannot take away the:

a)              Beauty of W.H.

b)               Power of heaven

c)                The laws of nature


20.        More powerful than nature and heaven is:

a)               Beauty

b)             Poem

c)                Sun


Answer the following questions:

21.        What does the poet mean by ‘the marriage of true minds’?

-    According to the poet the marriage of true minds refers to the union or meeting of two souls who are faithful in love. By this the poet means eternal love, which is not affected by circumstances or time but always remains constant. Thus, the coming together of true minds unites the lovers forever.


22.        Why does Shakespeare refer to the ‘ever fixed mark’?

-    The ever-fixed mark is used for light house which stands in the sea. The light house guides ship to follow the correct path. It doesn’t leave nor stops its work in spite of attack of sea waves and sea-storms. True love is compared to light house. It signifies love that is fixed or constant and does not change in adverse circumstances. Love which alters is not true love and such relationships developed with weak bonds of love are not pure and do not signify the real nature of love.


23.        How are the images of star and bark connected with love?

-    The Poet’s use of metaphors is evident in the image of the star and the bark The star refers to the pole star which guides the ships at sea. It helps them to come to right path. It always gives them, whatever may be the conditions. In the same way true love guides lovers in their trials. It doesn’t separate them. This comparison symbolizes true love which is firm.


24.        Discuss Love’s not time’s fool’.

-    The phrase means that love is not a victim of time, and it cannot perish with time. Time destroys all, nothing remains forever, as this is the law of nature. But true love is timeless. Time, place and relations cannot destroy them. It is immortal. In contrast, beauty or physical attraction declines with the passage of time but true love and friendship support an individual irrespective of the age.


25.        What is the effect of time on beauty?

-    Physical beauty is very much short lived, within few years with increase in age, the physical charms fizzle out i.e., beauty is mortal. Beauty is dependent on age and wears away as time passes. Time has been personified in the sonnet and it is portrayed like an instrument, which cuts the crop of physical beauty. Thus, time affects appearance of living beings.


26.        What would the poet immortalise?

-    The poet wishes and is confident enough to immortalize true love and friendship. According to him love is eternal and poetry is immortal. Thus, as long as the written words remain and are read, the beauty of his friend would prevail and enchant the hearts of the readers.


27.        What happens to things of beauty?

-    The natural objects of beauty are under the control of nature. Nature and time have their effect on them and thus they loose their beauty with time. The things of beauty are short-lived. The beauty of the summer’s day and a flower are destroyed by strong winds, similarly physical attraction may diminish any time. His friend’s beauty is incomparable to such time bound things of beauty and shall remain forever.


28.        Discuss the structure of “Shall I Compare Thee”.

-    The structure is typically English sonnet. These are the alterations made by surrey in the structure of original Petrarchan sonnet it has three quatrains of four lines each and a couplet of two lines at the end of the sonnet.


29.        How does Shakespeare describe the sun and its brightness?

-    Shakespeare describes the Sun as the eyes of the heaven. The poet feels that the brightness of the sun can be dimmed anytime with the advent of cloudy weather. Similarly, every beautiful object can lose its charm anytime.

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