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QuestionBank 5

Answer the following questions in 30-40 words.


1.               What does The Good Morrow poem explore successfully?

-    The poem describes love as a religious epiphany. The poem claims that erotic love can produce the same effects that religion can. Through love, the speaker’s soul awakens; because of love, the speaker abandons the outside world; in love, the speaker finds immortality.


2.               What is Donne’s realism?

-    Donne is an intellectual and is a realist. Donne's poetry shows an enormous knowledge of religion, philosophy, and the latest trends in intellectual thought.


3.               To which school does Milton belongs and why?

-    Milton belongs to the Puritan Age because during the period, Puritan standards prevailed in England, and also because he was a Puritan. The Puritans struggled for righteousness and liberty.


4.               How was Milton as a child?

As a child, John was unusually studious and passed from St. Paul’s School to Christ’s College at Cambridge. He possessed the character of adamant. He was soon at war with the authorities, though he lived down the hostility.


5.               What does Milton thought to be useless?

-    Due to his blindness, the whole world has become dark and gloomy to Milton. The gift of being a creative writer and poet, which has been accorded to him by the God is now useless for him.


6.               What was Milton’s first royal appointment?

-    His first royal appointment was Secretary for Foreign Tongues to the Commonwealth Council of State, in 1649.


7.               What is the theme of the sonnet ‘On his Twenty third Birthday’?

-    It is an autobiographical sonnet. It is first, a consideration of Milton's little achievement to date, and secondly, a renewed and more decisive dedication of himself to God's will and be at his mercy. Dedication has the effect of resolving his doubts and fears about not being successful.


8.               What did Dryden do with the restoration?

-    Dryden changed sides with the restoration. He immediately put himself on the winner’s side and wrote ‘Astraea Redux’, a poem of welcome to King Charles II.


9.               What is Neo-classical school?

-    The classical revival, also known as Neoclassicism, refers to movements in the arts that draw inspiration from the “classical” art and culture of ancient Greece and Rome.


10.        What was the solution of Milton’s complaint?

-    The speaker learns that, rather than being an obstacle to his fulfillment of God’s work for him, his blindness is a part of that work, and that his achievement lies in living patiently with it. The solution was to be in service of God and wait for his mercy.

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