Question Bank - 3


Question Bank - 3

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QuestionBank 5

Answer the following questions in 30-40 words.


1.       Who was Orpheus?

-    Orpheus was a musician, poet and prophet in Greek mythology. He was the son of Apollo and the muse Calliope.


2.       Why does Pope advise man to study himself and not God?

-    Pope argues that humanity should make a study of itself, and not debase the spiritual essence of the world with earthly science, since the two are diametrically opposed to one another: man should "presume not God to scan".


3.       Mention some significant implications of the Renaissance.

-    Renaissance meant new awakening in learning and the death of the medieval scholasticism. It raised a voice against spiritual authority. The Renaissance also implied a perception of greater beauty and polish in Greek and Latin literature. It also marked the change from the theocentric to the homocentric conception of the universe with human pursuits, even human body being glorified.


4.       Who were the cavalier poets?

-    The Cavalier Poets, who wrote during the Caroline Period, the age of Charles-I (1625-49) were Herrick, Carew, Suckling and Lovelace. They imitated not merely Donne but also Ben Jonson. Their poetry is marked by a blend of wit and court conventions.


5.       Why did Antonio and Bassanio go to Shylock?

-    Bassanio needed money to woo Portia as his bride. Bassanio and Antonio were friends, but unfortunately Antonio didn't have the money at that moment to help his friend. So, they went to Shylock, the moneylender, for a loan.


6.       How did Portia save Antonio?

-    Portia saved Antonio's life by disguising herself as a young lawyer named Balthazar and cleverly interpreting the law to prevent Shylock from receiving his bond of a pound of Antonio's flesh.


7.       What is Allegory?

-    An allegory is a story within a story. It has a “surface story” and another story hidden underneath. For example, the surface story might be about two neighbors throwing rocks at each other’s homes, but the hidden story would be about war between countries.


8.       What do you know about the Puritans?

-    The members of that party of English Protestants who regarded the reformation of the Church under Elizabethan as incomplete, and called for its further purification, were known as the puritans.


9.       What do you know about the Restoration Tragedy?

-    The tragedy during the restoration times was uncommon. In Otway and Dryden, we find the exponents of the Restoration tragedy, better known as the Heroic tragedy. Dryden’s All for Love’ written incidentally in blank verse displays real feeling of tragedy.


10.Describe Caesar’s encounter with the soothsayer.

-    As Caesar passes through the crowd the soothsayer cries out to him, warning him to “beware the ides of March.” Caesar dismisses the soothsayer as a dreamer and continues on. Caesar’s encounter with the soothsayer foreshadows his assassination in the senate which would take place soon.

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QuestionBank 5

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