Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare (Short Story)


Julius Caesar

by William Shakespeare

(Short Story)



Character of Caesar

Character of Antony

Short Story

Julius Caesar is a play written by William Shakespeare. It is based on the actual story of the Roman general and statesman Julius Caesar, who declared himself the dictator of the Roman Empire. His reign lasted less than a year, before his famous assassination by political rivals such as Gaius Cassius. In order to prevent Caesar from gaining too much power, the conspirators convince Caesar’s friend, Brutus to join the plot against Caesar.

The drama of the play revolves around Brutus's struggle for honor, patriotism and friendship. The conspirators make it clear that they did this for the good of Rome. The play ends with a tribute to Brutus by Antony, as he is the only conspirator who worked for the good of Rome.

The play opens with a crowd celebrating Julius Caesar's victory over Pompey's sons. Julius Caesar celebrates Lupercal feast with his wife, where a pilgrim warns him to beware of the Ides of March. Antony offers the crown to Julius Caesar but he refuses the offer three times, which the commoners like. Cassius tries to poison the mind of Marcus Brutus to take a stand against Julius Caesar. Cassius's tricky words succeed in involving Brutus in the conspiracy. Casca, who is very superstitious gets afraid of thunder, lightning, and storm over the night. Cassius being cunning interprets the bad omens in such a way that Casca also joins the conspirators.

Brutus becomes double-minded and confused to choose between his friend Julius Caesar and the well-being of the Romans. Eventually, he selects the latter and plans to assassinate Caesar. The next morning of March 15, Julius Caesar's wife tries to stop him, because he has seen something bad omens last night. Artemidorus, a well-wisher of Julius Caesar, tries to stop him by giving him a letter, but Caesar does not bother to read it. Julius Caesar reaches the Senate unaware of the conspiracy and firstly Casca and Brutus in the last, stab him to death. Brutus pacifies the public by acting very wisely after the death of Julius Caesar. Mark Antony makes a diplomatic speech against the conspirators to make the crowd angry.

In the battle, Cassius wrongly assumes, that enemies have surrounded him, he orders his servant to stab him to death. After learning that Cassius is defeated, Brutus gets afraid of the ghost of Julius Caesar and commits suicide. Antony and Octavius reach the body of Brutus to recognize his greatness and love for the country. Antony praises Brutus and orders a formal funeral before they return to rule Rome.

The conspirators fled to Asia to protect themselves and agreed to attack Julius Caesar's supporters. Cassius uses immoral means to collect money, which starts a quarrel between Cassius and Brutus. Brutus's wife Portia swallowed the poison and she died. The Ghost of Julius Caesar arrives to warn Brutus, that they will meet again on the battlefield in Philippi. In the fight, Cassius wrongly assumes, that enemies have surrounded him, he orders his servant to stab him to death. After finding out that Cassius is defeated, Brutus becomes afraid of Julius Caesar's ghost and commits suicide. Antony and Octavius reach the body of Brutus to recognize his greatness and love for the country. Antony praises Brutus and orders a formal funeral before they return to rule Rome.

From the play Julius Caesar we learn, that we must not be very ambitious, so that it forces our best friend to stand against us.


Character of Caesar

Character of Antony

Short Story

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