Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare (Character of Antony)


Julius Caesar

by William Shakespeare

(Character of Antony)



Character of Caesar

Character of Antony

Short Story

Before Caesar's murder, Antony makes four brief appearances in which he speaks a total of five lines. Twice during Lupercal and again at Caesar's house, he makes small statements, to show, that he is loyal to Caesar, as a dictator and as a friend. Caesar's confiding to Antony at Lupercal indicates that he trusts Antony and sees him as a friend, perhaps even as a protégé. Antony appears in the Capitol at the beginning of Act 3, Scene 1, but he does not speak before Trebonius takes him out.

When, during Lupercal, Caesar describes Cassius as a dangerous man, Antony defends him as "a noble Roman and well given.". While Antony does not understand at the time that Cassius is dangerous, and later underestimates Octavius' determination, as a ruler, he is a perceptive observer who validates Cassius's assessment of him as being a "shrewd contriver." After the assassination, Antony quickly realizes that he must deal with Brutus, and he has the cleverness to take advantage of Brutus' simplicity. When he tells his servant that "Brutus is noble, wise, valiant, and honest," it is clear that Antony wants to flatter Brutus and work on those personal qualities of Brutus that represent moral strength, but that are also fundamental weaknesses when dealing with a more sophisticated man.

Antony's requests for protection and for clarification for the assassination are reasonable in the context of the situation, but Brutus' consent to provide both ensures, that upon returning to the Capitol, Antony can concentrate on his ultimate objective of gaining a platform. At the Capitol, by having Brutus repeat his promises, Antony succeeds in placing him on the defensive and in establishing a means to evade the more difficult questions being raised by Cassius.  He is not in the slightest degree deterred by considerations of honesty, when dealing with those whom he wishes to cheat or manipulate. He knows that Brutus wants to believe that he (Antony) will join the cause of the conspirators, and he takes advantage of Brutus' hope when he falsely tells the conspirators, "Friends am I with you all, and love you all." He will also freely use half-truths and outright falsehoods to sway the mob at the Forum to do what he wants.

Antony faces danger in this meeting of Cassius, who knows him as a "clever man", and from other conspirators, who know him to be a Caesar's friend. He disposes of the threat of Cassius by paying attention to the more powerful and brilliant Brutus, whom he remains defensive by reiterating, that he will be a friend if he gets a satisfactory explanation. He disposes of the remaining conspirators by boldly raising the subject of his apparent hypocrisy in befriending his friend's killers, and by then cleverly dismisses his comments to Caesar's nobility. It is in this manner, that he will turn the citizens towards the rebellion by saying that he does not want to provoke them. Antony, in fact, wants two things: to avenge Caesar's murder and to rule Rome. To do both, he must first undermine the public's trust in the republics, and second, he must drive them from power by creating a chaotic situation that will allow him to seize the power in their place.  The method he chooses is to obtain permission to speak at Caesar's funeral, and that is the only reason he plays the role he does in the Capitol.

In his soliloquy in the Capitol, Antony reveals that he intends to create civil strife throughout Italy, and in his oration, he sets it off to a promising start. He is a politically stunning figure in his speech. He wants to create rebellion and overthrow the republics so that he and Octavius ​​can fill the vacuum, and he succeeds completely. From his soliloquy in the Capitol to the end of the play, he is consistently ambitious, confident, successful and exceptionally ruthless. He has no concern for the welfare of the citizens of Rome who will suffer in the civil strife in the civil strife he has instigated, he is willing to kill a nephew instead of arguing for his life, he seeks to keep as much as he can of Caesar's legacy to the poor of Rome, and he openly acknowledges that he will remove Lepidus from power as soon as Lepidus is no longer of use to him.

He has some personality conflicts with Octavius, but he is able to re-establish it on the background so that their differences are always secondary to their struggle to defeat Brutus and Cassius. Antony is also skilled at locating the most advantageous point of attack in all of his confrontations. In the Capitol, instead of confronting all the conspirators, he focuses on Brutus' naive sense of honor and nobility. In the Forum, rather than construct a reasoned argument against the assassins, he appeals to the emotion with which he saw the crowd respond to Brutus' speech.

At Philippi, when Brutus leaves Cassius's army exposed, Antony immediately attacks. At the end of the play, when Brutus and Cassius die and the republicans are defeated, he publicly praises Brutus, for healing the political wounds of Rome. Ironically, Brutus hoped to remove arbitrary government from Rome by the assassination, but by murdering Caesar, he established the conditions for an even more ruthless tyranny to seize power in the persons of Antony and Octavius.


Character of Caesar

Character of Antony

Short Story

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