Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare (Character of Caesar)


Julius Caesar

by William Shakespeare

(Character of Caesar)



Character of Caesar

Character of Antony

Short Story

In using Julius Caesar as a central figure, Shakespeare is less interested in portraying a great character than he is in creating a character that suits other aspects of his play. If Brutus and Cassius were evil people, planning the cold-blooded murder of an eminent ruler, Julius Caesar would be little more than a melodrama of suspense and revenge.

On the other hand, if Caesar was a bloody tyrant, there was no justification for Brutus's hesitation and Antony's thirst for revenge. In fact, Shakespeare creates a character in Caesar who is sometimes reasonable, sometimes superstitious, sometimes compassionate and sometimes arrogant. In doing so, he introduces Caesar as someone who has only reasons to fear nobility, yet who is not a villain.

Flavius ​​concludes his criticism of Caesar in Act I, Scene 1, expressing his fear that Caesar wishes to "soar above the view of men / And keep us all in servile fearfulness." His opinion is credited when, after some time, Caesar and Antony's attitude towards Caesar shows that they consider him a man whose every wish should be considered an order by the citizens of Rome. Caesar's opinion of himself suggests that he complies with that view. He is not afraid of Cassius because he considers himself beyond mere human reach, and he explains his inability to experience fear by observing, ". . . for always I am Caesar."

However, his reference to his partial deafness provides a clear contrast between the concepts of the vain man who considers himself in godlike terms and the real, old man who stands in imminent danger of murder. His capacity for evil is further emphasized, with which he tells Flavius ​​and Marullus "put to silence." Finally, the moment before his death, Caesar compares himself to the gods of Olympus in his determination to continue his arbitrary administration of Roman justice.

Caesar's ego and pride outweigh his ability to prove himself. He expresses an acceptance of the inevitability of death when he tells California how strange it is for him "that men should fear; / Seeing that death, a necessary end, / Will come when it will come." But it is not his belief, that the time of his death is predetermined and thus cannot be avoided, forcing him to ignore threats, his priests and Calphurnia. Instead, he ignores Decius's sense of pride about his challenge and his ambition. Caesar, who is so perceptive in his analysis of Cassius, cannot always see "quite through the deeds" of a calculating deceiver.

From his first appearance, Caesar openly displays a superstitious temperament, but from the beginning he displays a tendency for ignoring the warnings and signs that should alert a man of his beliefs. He enters the play's action by advising Calphurnia, to treat her sterility by ritual, and he exits, dismissing the soothsayer as "a dreamer." He ignores the soothsayer, Calphurnia, the many portents, his priests, and finally Artemidorus because he has ceased to think of himself as a fallible human being, and because he passionately wants to be crowned king. He is not afraid of Cassius, although he knows that he is a threat to political leaders, as he believes that he and Cassius occupy two different levels of existence. Cassius is a man; Caesar, a demigod. He begins to think of himself in terms of intangible qualities, considering himself as bigger and more terrible than "danger". His sense of superiority with his fellow human beings, as well as his ambition to become king, ultimately prevents him from seeing and reasoning clearly.

Caesar as a viable character in the play endures beyond his assassination. Brutus wants to "come by Caesar's spirit / And not dismember Caesar." In fact, Brutus and the conspirators succeed in destroying Corporal Caesar, but they fail to destroy his spirit. Antony invokes the spirit of Caesar first in his soliloquy in Act III, Scene 1, and he uses it to bring the citizens of Rome to rebellion in Act III, Scene 2. The ghost of Caesar appears to Brutus at Sardis and again at Philippi, signifying that Brutus has failed to reconcile mentally and morally his participation in the murder, as well as signifying that his and Cassius' fortunes are fading. Caesar's spirit ceases to be a force in the play only when Cassius and Brutus commit suicide, each acknowledging that he does so to still the spirit of Caesar.


Character of Caesar

Character of Antony

Short Story

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