Paradise Lost by John Milton (Book 5 Summary)


Paradise Lost

by John Milton

(Book 5 Summary) 

In the fifth book of Paradise Lost, Adam and Eve wake up feeling uneasy after a troubled sleep. Eve shares a dream where a sneaky serpent tempted her to eat from the forbidden Tree of Knowledge. Although Adam is concerned, he assures Eve that she has the strength to resist such temptations.

Meanwhile, God, who has been keeping an eye on them, decides to send the angel Raphael to warn the couple about the threat posed by Satan. Raphael recounts the story of Satan's rebellion in Heaven, emphasizing how Satan's envy of God's power led to his expulsion, along with a third of the angels. Satan has been scheming revenge ever since.

Raphael cautions Adam and Eve about Satan's likely attempts to lure them into disobedience. He reminds them that they have free will, giving them the choice to obey or not. However, he also warns of consequences if they choose to disobey. After delivering this message, Raphael leaves Adam and Eve to contemplate their future.

This moment in Paradise Lost marks a crucial turning point. Adam and Eve are now aware of the threat posed by Satan, and they face the significant choice of whether to follow God's commands or not. The decisions they make will profoundly impact not only their own lives but also the fate of all humanity.

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