Paradise Lost by John Milton (Book 4 Summary)


Paradise Lost

by John Milton

(Book 4 Summary) 

In the fourth part of Paradise Lost, Satan comes down to Earth and lands on Mount Niphates, from where he can see the beautiful Garden of Eden. While looking at the innocence of Paradise, Satan is filled with doubts and conflicting feelings. He thinks about his rebellion against God and wonders if he can ever find peace or happiness. There's even a moment when he considers repentance, but he quickly rejects it because it clashes with his pride.

Despite feeling torn inside, Satan decides to stick to his mission of corrupting humanity. He transforms into a cormorant and sits on the Tree of Life, which is like the heart of Eden. From there, he watches Adam and Eve closely, trying to understand their interactions and find any weaknesses he can exploit.

At the same time, Uriel, the angel assigned to guard Paradise's gates, notices Satan's presence and informs Gabriel, the chief angelic guard. Gabriel, worried about this news, orders a thorough search of the Garden to find the intruder.

While the angels get ready to search Eden, Satan keeps an eye on Adam and Eve, paying close attention to everything they do. He focuses on Eve, thinking she's more vulnerable to his temptations. Satan plans to approach her in disguise and trick her into doubting God's commands.

Book IV ends with Satan getting ready to carry out his plan, poised to spread his harmful influence on humanity.

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