Paradise Lost by John Milton (Book 3 Summary)


Paradise Lost

by John Milton

(Book 3 Summary) 

Book III of John Milton's grand poem "Paradise Lost" takes a turn from focusing on Satan's rebellion in Hell to God's decision to create humanity. The book begins with God talking to his Son, expressing love for both angels and humans. He explains why he chose to create people, acknowledging that Adam and Eve will give in to Satan's temptation and fall from grace. Despite this, God highlights the significance of free will and the importance of their choice in demonstrating love for him.

God unveils his redemption plan, stating that his Son will make a sacrifice to save humanity from the consequences of the Fall. He asserts that through this sacrifice, "Heav'nly love shall outdo Hellish hate," ensuring that good will ultimately triumph over evil.

The narrative then shifts back to Satan, who has journeyed through space and landed in what is now China. Surveying the Earth in its unformed state, he reflects on the potential for corruption and sin in future human inhabitants. Milton briefly detours to discuss the idea of extraterrestrial life, poking fun at the Franciscan and Dominican monks and labeling Limbo as the "Paradise of Fools."

Satan continues his journey, reaching the impressive gates of Paradise. He transforms into a serpent, the craftiest of creatures, preparing to carry out his plan to tempt Adam and Eve.

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