English Grammar - Interrogative (Determiners)


English Grammar

Interrogative (Determiners) 

Interrogative determiners are a type of determiner used to ask questions and gather information. They are typically used at the beginning of interrogative sentences and are followed by a noun.

The most common interrogative determiners in English are "which," "what," and "whose." These determiners are used to inquire about the identity, choice, or ownership of a noun. Here are some examples:

Which book do you want to read?

What time is the meeting?

Whose car is parked outside?

Interrogative determiners can also be used without a noun to form interrogative pronouns, which stand alone as the subject or object of a sentence. Examples include:

Which do you prefer?

What did she say?

Whose is this?

In summary, interrogative determiners are used to ask questions and gather information about the noun they modify, while interrogative pronouns stand alone to represent the subject or object in a question.


There are a few rules to keep in mind when using interrogative determiners:

Placement: Interrogative determiners are typically used at the beginning of interrogative sentences, before the noun they modify. For example: "Which movie did you watch?"

Agreement: Interrogative determiners agree in number with the noun they modify. For singular nouns, you would use "which" or "what." For plural nouns, you would use "which" or "what" followed by "ones" or "ones." For example: "Which book do you recommend?" or "Which ones do you like?"

Choice: "Which" is used to ask about a specific choice or selection among a limited number of options. For example: "Which color do you prefer: red or blue?"

Identification: "What" is used to ask for information about the identity, nature, or category of something. For example: "What is your favorite movie?"

Ownership: "Whose" is used to ask about ownership or possession of something. For example: "Whose bag is this?"

It's important to note that the specific determiner you choose depends on the context and the type of question you are asking. These rules provide a general framework for using interrogative determiners, but there may be variations and exceptions in specific cases.


Which shirt should I wear to the party?

What time is the train arriving?

Whose keys are on the table?

Which book did you buy yesterday?

What color are your eyes?

Whose car is parked in front of the house?

Which restaurant serves the best pizza in town?

What is your favorite food?

Whose turn is it to do the dishes?

Which team won the championship?

Which movie did you watch last night?

What is the price of this shirt?

Whose bag is on the chair?

Which university did she attend?

What time does the concert start?

Whose phone is ringing?

Which city are you from?

What is your favorite book?

Whose idea was it to go hiking?

Which color do you like best?


These examples demonstrate the usage of interrogative determiners in various contexts, such as asking about choices, prices, identities, preferences, and more. Remember that interrogative determiners are used to form questions and gather specific information about nouns.



___________ book are you reading?

___________ is your favorite color?

___________ laptop is this?

___________ restaurant did you go to last night?

___________ time is the meeting?

___________ car do you want to buy?

___________ team won the game?

___________ movie did you watch?

___________ is your phone number?

___________ country are you from?
















___________ is your favorite season?

Answer: What


___________ bag is that on the floor?

Answer: Whose


___________ is the capital city of France?

Answer: What


___________ restaurant serves the best sushi in town?

Answer: Which


___________ time does the movie start?

Answer: What


___________ phone did you use to take this photo?

Answer: Whose


___________ book did you choose for your book report?

Answer: Which


___________ is your dream vacation destination?

Answer: What


___________ car did he buy for his birthday?

Answer: Which


___________ is your favorite subject in school?

Answer: What

"The Power of Interrogation"

In a realm of curiosity, we inquire,

With interrogative determiners, we inspire,

Questions arise, seeking truth and insight,

Let us embark on a poetic flight.


What mysteries lie beyond our sight?

What dreams doth dance in the depths of night?

Which path shall we tread in this labyrinthine maze?

Which star shall guide us through life's hazy haze?


Whose voice echoes through the forest deep?

Whose secrets lie hidden in memories we keep?

What wonders await beyond the horizon's bend?

What tales shall our restless spirits apprehend?


Which flower blooms with petals so rare?

Which melody enchants the evening air?

Whose laughter fills the room with delight?

Whose touch sets our souls alight?


What memories shall we etch in time's embrace?

What destinies lie hidden in each face?

Which dreams shall we chase with unyielding zest?

Which passions ignite the fire in our chest?


With interrogative determiners, we quest,

For knowledge and wisdom, we manifest,

Through questions we ponder, we explore,

In this poetic dance, forevermore.


So let us embrace the power of inquiry,

Unleash the potential within us to see,

With each question asked, a world unfolds,

In the realm of interrogative determiners, we behold.

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