English Grammar - Distributives (Determiner)


English Grammar

Distributives (Determiner) 

A distributive pronoun is a pronoun that refers to individual members of a group separately, rather than as a whole. The most common distributive pronouns are "each" and "every." For example:

Each of the students received a book.

Every employee must attend the meeting.

In these sentences, "each" and "every" distribute the action or attribute to each member of the group (students and employees, respectively).

Determiners, on the other hand, are a class of words that modify nouns or noun phrases. They include articles (such as "the" and "a/an"), demonstratives ("this," "that," "these," "those"), possessives ("my," "your," "his," "her," etc.), quantifiers ("some," "many," "few," "several"), and more.

Determiners can sometimes be used in a distributive sense, indicating that something applies to each individual in a group. For example:

All the students completed their assignments.

Both books are interesting.

In these sentences, "all" and "both" function as distributive determiners, indicating that the action or attribute applies to each individual item in the group.


"Each": It refers to every individual item in a group and emphasizes the individuality of each item.

Each student received a book.

Each flower in the garden is blooming beautifully.


"Every": Similar to "each," it emphasizes the individuality of each item in a group. It is often used interchangeably with "each," but it tends to be used with singular nouns.

Every employee must attend the meeting.

Every house on the street is painted white.


"All": It refers to the entirety of a group, but it can also be used in a distributive sense to indicate that something applies to each individual item.

All the students completed their assignments. (referring to the entirety of the group)

All three books on the shelf are interesting. (referring to each individual book)


"Both": It refers specifically to two items or people and emphasizes the inclusion of both of them.

Both cars were damaged in the accident.

Both children are talented musicians.


"Either": It is used when there are two options or choices available, emphasizing the individuality of each option.

You can take either book from the shelf.

You can choose either of the two paths.


*Remember, the distributive use of determiners is not limited to these examples, and other determiners can also be used in a distributive sense depending on the context.



Fill in the blanks with the appropriate distributive determiner (each, every, all, both, either) based on the context provided.

___________ student must bring _________ own supplies to class.

_________ of the books on the shelf are science fiction novels.

___________ child received a gift at the birthday party.

_________ teams played well in the tournament.

You can choose _________ option; they both have their advantages.


Now, let's check the answers:


Each student must bring their own supplies to class.

All of the books on the shelf are science fiction novels.

Every child received a gift at the birthday party.

Both teams played well in the tournament.

You can choose either option; they both have their advantages.


___________ person is responsible for cleaning up after ___________ meal.

___________ employee must attend the mandatory training session.

___________ members of the team contributed to ___________ project.

We invited ___________ of our friends to the party, but ___________ of them could make it.

___________ student in the class needs to submit ___________ assignment by tomorrow.




Each person is responsible for cleaning up after their meal.

Every employee must attend the mandatory training session.

All members of the team contributed to the project.

We invited all of our friends to the party, but neither of them could make it.

Every student in the class needs to submit their assignment by tomorrow.


Choose the correct determiner to fill in the blank.


________ student is responsible for bringing ________ own textbook to class.

a) Each

b) Every

c) All

d) Both


________ of the cars in the parking lot were red.

a) Each

b) Every

c) All

d) Either


________ child received a certificate for their outstanding performance.

a) Each

b) Every

c) All

d) Both


________ of the flowers in the garden bloomed beautifully.

a) Each

b) Every

c) All

d) Either


________ student should complete ________ assignment by the end of the week.

a) Each

b) Every

c) All

d) Both


Now, let's check the answers:


a) Each

c) All

b) Every

c) All

b) Every

"Harmony in Distributives"

Each star in the sky twinkles bright,

Every wave in the ocean dances with delight.

All flowers in the meadow bloom so fair,

Both birds in the tree sing melodies in the air.


Either path you choose will lead you right,

Every step you take brings you closer to the light.

Each raindrop falls and nourishes the ground,

All leaves on the tree rustle with a gentle sound.


Every student in the class strives for success,

Each petal on the rose exhibits its own loveliness.

All friends in our lives bring joy and cheer,

Both laughter and tears make memories dear.


In the distributive world, every one has its role,

Each individual contributes to the greater whole.

All are unique, yet connected as one,

Both separate and together, like the moon and the sun.


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