English-Grammar - Formation of Adjectives


Formation of Adjectives


The words that add a description to a sentence and alter nouns are known as Adjectives. The words that describe a name, place, person, animal, thing or that depicts the number of the noun are known as adjectives.

Adjectives could be any single or compound word that modifies the noun.

Formation of Adjectives

Adjectives can be formed from nouns, verbs, and other adjectives.


Formation of Adjectives from Nouns:

Adjectives can be formed from nouns by adding suffixes to a noun.

If the noun has an ‘e’ in the ending, it is removed and -y or -al or -ial is added as a suffix to the noun to form an adjective.

If the noun has a ‘y’ in the ending, it is removed and the suffix -lyor -ish or -ic is added to form an adjective.


Luck - Lucky

Hair - Hairy

Storm - Stormy

Length - Lengthy


Accident - Accidental

Nature - Natural

Magic - Magical

Commerce - Commercial

Finance - Financial


Man - Manly

Human - Humanly

King - Kingly


Girl - Girlish

Child - Childish

Book - Bookish


Tragedy - Tragic

Artist - Artistic


Mystery - Mysterious

Fame - Famous

Miracle - Miraculous


Trouble - Troublesome


Question - Questionable

Laugh - Laughable


Beauty - Beautiful


It was very childish of her to behave like that in front of the audience.

My younger brother is the most troublesome of the lot.


Formation of Adjectives from Verbs:       

Suffixes like ‘-y’, ‘-able’, ‘-ous’, ‘-al’, ‘-ful’, ‘-ic’, ‘-less’, ‘-ing’ and ‘-ive’ can be added to verbs to form adjectives.


Speed - speedy


Read - readable

Enjoy - enjoyable

shake - shakable

laugh - laughable


continue - continuous


judge - judgmental


hate - hateful

help - helpful

forget - forgetful


see - scenic


tire - tireless


create - creative

talk - talkative


annoy - annoying

amuse - amusing


Switzerland is a very scenic place.

Arvind is a very annoying person.


Formation of Adjectives from Other Adjectives:

An adjective is formed from another adjective by adding suffix like ‘-ly’, ‘-ive’, ‘-al’, ‘-ish’, ‘-ier’, ‘-est’.


Weak - weakly


Correct - corrective


Comic - comical


Green – greenish

Red - reddish


Easy - easier

Funny - funnier


Fine - finest


The sky was reddish in the evening.

My brother is funnier than I expected him to be.


Formation of Compound Adjectives:

When two or more adjectives join together to modify the same noun they are known as compound adjectives. They are separated with a hyphen.

The two words used to form a compound adjective can be a combination of:

Number + noun

Adjective + noun

Noun + adjective

Noun + present/past participle

Adjective + past participle


Arvind is going on a two-week vacation.

They stay in a twenty-story building.

It was a last-minute plan.

There was a ten-minute delay in the meeting. 

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