On His Blindness by John Milton (Questions & Answers)


On His Blindness

by John Milton

(Questions & Answers)

Summary & Analysis

Questions & Answers


Select the right answer from amongst the three alternatives:

1.               The writers had support of:

a)              state and royalty

b)               people and state

c)                God and nature


2.               The nature of the sentence develops the possibility of creating:

a)               adequate prose

b)               vigorous verse

c)              endless variety


3.               The legendry person whom Milton met in Italy was:

a)               Sir King John

b)               Charles II

c)              Galileo


4.               In 1656, John Milton married:

a)              Catherine Woodcock

b)               Elizabeth Minshull

c)                Mary Powell


5.               Milton uses ‘light’ in the sense of:

a)               light of truth

b)               power of God

c)              capacity to see


6.               Milton meant by

a)               labour of the day

b)               work to be done in the light of the Sun

c)              work which could be done during the day


7.               Milton in this sonnet personifies:

a)               Blindness

b)             Patience

c)                Mercy


8.               The God does not need :

a)               service

b)             man’s work

c)                gifts


9.               The word ‘chide’ means in this sonnet:

a)              reproach

b)               child

c)                Children of God


10.        When in pain, Milton advises to have:

a)              patience

b)               mercy

c)                prayer


11.        The style of this sonnet is:

a)               Miltonic

b)             Petrarchan

c)                Puritan


12.        This sonnet has:

a)              two parts

b)               one part

c)                four parts


13.        ‘Talent’ in this sonnet means:

a)               capacity

b)             power to write poetry

c)                skill


14.        The word ‘thousands’ refers to:

a)               persons

b)               people who suffer

c)              angels


Answer the following questions:

15.        Discuss chief characteristics of seventeenth century poetry.

-    This period had in its writings fantastic conceits, treatment of the inward, far-fetched images, hyperboles, and high learning.


16.        How was Milton as a child?

-    He was devoted to learning.


17.        How did John Milton begin his career?

-    He began his career as a teacher at his own house in London.


18.        What do you know about Milton’s first marriage?

-    Milton married Mary Powell in 1643. She belonged to a family of Oxford Royalists. Very soon she went back to her parents. After two years she came back to Milton. She bore him three daughters and died in 1652 at the birth of a fourth.


19.        What was Milton’s first Royal appointment?

-    He began as Latin Secretary to the royal government.


20.        Why was Milton spared of Royal wrath?

-    Milton was thought as an unimportant person and hence no strict action was taken against him.


21.        How did Milton begin his poetic career?

-    Milton began to write Latin poems of great personal interest and naive poetical charm from the age of sixteen.


22.        What does Milton want to do after being blind?

-    Milton wanted to write good poetry in praise of the Almighty and thereby present to him a true account of the poetic gift which he had bestowed on him. The poem presents a carefully reasoned argument, on the basis of Christian faith, for the acceptance of physical impairment.


23.        What Milton thought to be useless?

-    Milton expresses his frustration at being prevented by his disability from serving God, in this sonnet. He thought that the gift of poetry which had been conferred upon him by God was almost useless after losing his eye sight.


24.        Discuss ‘That murmur’

-    The poet was very sad on loosing his eye sight. The murmur refers to the poet asking himself in a complaining mood, whether God required full work from a blind man.


25.        What was the solution of Milton’s complaint?

-    The speaker learns that, rather than being an obstacle to his fulfillment of God’s work for him, his blindness is a part of that work, and that his achievement lies in living patiently with it. The solution was to be in service of God and wait for his mercy.


26.        Discuss the ‘Kingdom of God.’

-    Milton’s faith in God and religion is portrayed in this sonnet. According to him, God’s Kingdom is very wide, splendid and rich. There are thousands of angels to carry out his wishes like faithful servants.


27.        Comment on theme of this sonnet.

-    At the prime of his life, Milton was struck with blindness. As a result of this tragedy, Milton created a sonnet about his blindness. He questioned the meaning of this tragedy, of the future, and God for his blindness within the sonnet. And the truth soon dawns on him that the true meaning of life is to be in service of God, not to have any complaint and have full faith in God’s mercy.


28.        What does ‘patience’ tell Milton?

-    Patience consoles Milton and tells that God doesn’t require man’s labour and gifts. Patience is personified in this poem which conveys the objective of his life, it tells him that he should accept the pleasures and pains bestowed upon him by God and lead a calm life dedicated to the service of the divine power.


29.        What kind of language is used by Milton?

-    Milton uses figurative language to express his grievances and discontent. For e.g. He reflects upon his life and says “how my light is spent,” or the time he had his sight. The language is highly scholarly and Latin words are also used.


30.        Who are considered true devotees of God?

-    The true devotees of God are those, who have faith in God and devote their life in his service. Those, who pray to God in silence and wait for his mercy, are the real followers and thus lead a peaceful life.


31.        What a man must do?

-    A man should have faith and be in the service of God without any complaint. They carry out the works destined for them with dedication and perseverance and are always ready to follow the wishes of God.

Summary & Analysis

Questions & Answers

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