The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare (Character of JESSICA)

 The Merchant of Venice

by William Shakespeare

(Character of JESSICA) 



Character of PORTIA

Character of SHYLOCK

Character of JESSICA

Character of ANTONIO

Bond Scene- Act 1, scene 3

Jessica left her father, Shylock, and her Jewish identity, to marry Lorenzo and convert to Christianity. She clarifies that she is unhappy to be with Shylock, saying things like “our house is hell” and “though I am daughter to his blood / I am not to his manners”. Lorenzo describes Jessica as “wise, fair, and true”. She reveals her intelligence and independence, when she runs away from her father's house, by disguising herself in a man's clothes and taking money and other valuables with her. Jessica knows, that she is violating the traditional expectations, of showing loyalty to her father, but she chooses Lorenzo in hopes of becoming a loving wife. In the end, the play reveals that Jessica makes the right decision, as she enjoys a happy marriage and is rewarded with the income and inheritance that Antonio secured for her after Shylock lost in court.

As a young woman, with a particular suitor in mind, Jessica faces a similar challenge to Portia as both women are controlled by their father (dead or alive) and unable to freely choose whom they marry. Unlike Portia, who respects her father's wishes and takes a gamble in the hope that Bassanio will make the right choice, Jessica is more active and takes control of her destiny. Jessica also acts as a sympathetic Jewish character and therefore is a kind of foil for the villain, Shylock. Lancelot describes her as “most beautiful pagan, most sweet Jew”. Lorenzo, who is a Christian, loves Jessica despite her faith and family origins. Thus, Jessica's belovedness suggests that Shylock's cruel and vicious nature is specific to him and does not reflect all Jews. At the same time, Jessica is rude to her father, robs him, runs away from his house, and even trades his precious ring for a monkey. While Shylock is not flawless, the play asks us to consider whether the mistreatment of his daughter is entirely worthy.


Character of PORTIA

Character of SHYLOCK

Character of JESSICA

Character of ANTONIO

Bond Scene- Act 1, scene 3

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