The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare (Summary)


The Merchant of Venice

by William Shakespeare




Character of PORTIA

Character of SHYLOCK

Character of JESSICA

Character of ANTONIO

Bond Scene- Act 1, scene 3

Antonio, a Venice businessman, complains to his friends, about his sadness, which he cannot explain. His friend, Bassanio, loves Portia, a wealthy heiress from the city of Belmont, and desperately needs money to influence her. For this money requirement, he asks Antonio for a loan. Antonio wants to help him, but all his own money is invested in the merchant-ships that are still at sea. Antonio wants Bassanio to take a loan from one of the city's moneylenders, and Antonio will become the guarantor of that loan. On the other hand, in Belmont, Portia is grieved over the terms of her father's will. According to the will, Portia must marry the man, who chooses the right casket out of the three. Portia does not like any of the boys, coming to choose the casket. Portia and her maid, Nerissa, remembers Bassanio, who came to Belmont some time ago,

In Venice, Antonio and Bassanio go to the Jewish moneylender Shylock for a loan. Shylock has long been against Antonio, as Antonio harasses Shylock and other Jews for usury. Antonio also weakens their business by offering interest-free loans. Although Antonio refuses to apologize for his behavior, Shylock is willing to pay three thousand ducats to Bassanio without interest, but has a condition, in the event, if he does not repay the loan on time, Shylock will be entitled to have one pound of Antonio’s flesh. Despite Bassanio's warning, Antonio agrees to Shylock's condition. Meanwhile, Shylock's housekeeper, Launcelot, decides to leave Shylock's job, to work for Bassanio, and Shylock's daughter Jessica plans to elope with Antonio's friend, Lorenzo. That night, Venice's streets are filled with celebrants, and Jessica, disguised, runs off with Lorenzo. After an overnight celebration, Bassanio and his friend Gratiano leave for Belmont, where Bassanio intends to win Portia's hand.

In Belmont, Portia greets the prince of Morocco, who has come to try to choose the right casket, to marry her. This prince, reading inscriptions written on the three caskets, chooses the gold casket, which proves to be a wrong choice. In Venice, Shylock is enraged to learn that his daughter has escaped, but is delighted by the news that all of Antonio's ships have been wrecked, and now he will claim his debt, and will be able to take revenge from Antonio. At Belmont, the prince of Arragon chooses the silver casket, which is wrong. Now Bassanio arrives at Portia's palace, and they both declare their love for each other. Portia wants Bassanio to wait a bit, before choosing the box, but Bassanio immediately chooses the correct lead box. When the right box is chosen, he and Portia are happy. At the same time Gratiano also confesses that he has fallen in love with Nerissa. Bassanio-Portia and Gratiano-Nerissa decide to have a double wedding. Portia, as a token of love, gives Bassanio a ring, and asks him to vow, that under no circumstances, will he separate that ring from himself. The celebration of those people was interrupted when Lorenzo and Jessica arrived, with the news, that Antonio's ship had actually sunk, and that Shylock, according to the 'bond', is intent on killing Antonio. Bassanio and Gratiano immediately leave for Venice to save Antonio's life. After they leave, Portia tells Nerissa that they will both go to Venice, dressed as men.

Shylock ignores the many pleas given, to spare Antonio's life and seeks to decide the case in court. The duke of Venice, who is presiding over the court, declares that he has summoned a legal expert. Portia arrives in court in disguise as a young legal expert. Portia asks Shylock to show mercy, but he remains adamant for Antonio's pound of flesh, and insists that he will have a pound of flesh. Bassanio is willing to pay, Shylock, double money, but Shylock insists on his demand. Portia examines the bond and finds that the bond is legally binding. Now Portia, proclaims that Shylock deserves Antonio's flesh. Hearing this, Shylock becomes happy. Now Portia reminds him, that he must do this without shedding Antonio's blood, because the bond does not give him the right, to shed blood. Shylock, trapped by this logic, agrees to take double money offered by Bassanio, but Portia insists that Shylock must meet the conditions of the bond or get nothing. Portia told Shylock that he was guilty of plotting against the life of a Venetian citizen, meaning that he would have to give half of his assets to the state and the other half to Antonio. Duke fined Shylock in exchange of his property and took a fine. Antonio also waived his half of Shylock's wealth on two terms: first, Shylock would have to embrace Christianity and second, upon his death, he would owe all his property to Lorenzo and Jessica. Shylock agrees and goes away.

Bassanio, who did not recognize Portia, gave her the ring, which he had promised Portia, not to separate from him, under pressure. Gratiano also gives his ring to Nerissa. The two women return to Belmont, where they find Lorenzo and Jessica in the moonlight, proclaiming their love to each other. When Bassanio and Gratiano arrive in Belmont the next day, their wives accuse them of giving their rings to other women. Before the ring-prank would have taken serious form, Portia revealed that she was, in fact, the scholar of law. Both women reconcile with their husbands. Lorenzo and Jessica are also happy to learn about their heritage from Shylock. Another joyous news is that all of Antonio's ships have safely returned to Venice. Everyone celebrates.


Character of PORTIA

Character of SHYLOCK

Character of JESSICA

Character of ANTONIO

Bond Scene- Act 1, scene 3

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