No more noisy, loud words from me - such is my master's will (song 89) by Rabindranath Tagore (poem, summary & analysis)


No more noisy, loud words from me - such is my master's will (song 89) by Rabindranath Tagore (poem, summary & analysis) 

No more noisy, loud words from me - such is my master's will. Henceforth I deal in whispers. The speech of my heart will be carried on in murmurings of a song.

Men hasten to the King's market. All the buyers and sellers are there. But I have my untimely leave in the middle of the day, in the thick of work.

Let then the flowers come out in my garden, though it is not their time and let the midday bees strike up their lazy hum.

Full many an hour have I spent in the strife of the good and the evil, but now it is the pleasure of my playmate of the empty days to draw my heart on to him; and I know not why is this sudden call to what useless inconsequence!

No more noisy, loud words from me - such is my master's will. Henceforth I deal in whispers. The speech of my heart will be carried on in murmurings of a song.



The moment of understanding comes suddenly. A person should not miss this special experience. The poet says that God showed him he should praise Him in simple, quiet words. That’s why the poet will speak softly. If the words are too loud or fancy, they won’t sound nice or pleasing. True devotion and praise come from the heart in a gentle and humble way. This quietness carries the sweetness of true devotion.

While the poet is busy with everyday life, like buying and selling in the marketplace, he suddenly hears God's call. Even in the struggle between good and evil, he hears his divine friend calling him to come and play. The poet knows he must follow this call, and by doing so, he will feel great joy, like flowers blooming in his heart and bees softly buzzing as they gather honey. The world is changed, filled with spiritual happiness.


Critical Analysis

God's Will is the most important, and people must fully surrender to it. Even in a busy and noisy life, we should keep Him in our hearts. The way to God is not by completely leaving the world behind, but by following Him and praising Him while doing our everyday duties. The world was made for us, and we have responsibilities, but we should stay aware of our spiritual side. God's inspiration can come at any time, and if we are not paying attention, we might miss it. The poet doesn't want to lose this special experience.

"No more noisy, loud words from me - such is my master's will. Henceforth I deal in whispers. The speech of my heart will be carried on in murmurings of a song."

The poet is busy with his daily life, working and trading all day. Then, he suddenly hears a call from God, inviting him to play. Even though the poet is caught up in the struggle between good and bad, he feels he must answer this call, even if he doesn’t know why. From now on, he will worship God, devote his life to Him, and sing soft songs in His praise. The poet will not make a big show of his worship, and he will not stop working. Even in his busiest moments, he will quietly hum his songs to God.

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