I Asked Nothing from Thee by Rabindranath Tagore (Poem & Summary)


I Asked Nothing from Thee

by Rabindranath Tagore

(Poem & Summary) 

This is the 54th song of ‘Gitanjali’ It expresses love for visitors, kindness, and the beauty of nature that is distinctly Indian. It talks about a love so pure and selfless that it attracts God's attention, and when God comes down, the person who loves Him becomes completely absorbed in His presence. The divine visit changes everything around, and even nature rejoices with the arrival of God.

In the song, the tone is focused on humanity. It suggests that the best way to please God is by serving other people. The poet imagines being part of a group of women who go to a well in the morning to get water. While the other women leave after getting their water, the poet remains lost in their own thoughts. A weary traveler, who is actually God in disguise, comes and asks for water. The poet offers water without asking for anything in return. The poet feels surprised when the traveler asks for their name because they don't believe they have done anything worth remembering. However, the memory of quenching the traveler's thirst with water will always be cherished in the poet's heart as a sweet thought. Even after the traveler leaves, the poet continues to be lost in their thoughts.

I Asked Nothing from Thee

I asked nothing from thee; I uttered not my name to thine ear. When thou took'st thy leave I stood silent. I was alone by the well where the shadow of the tree fell aslant, and the women had gone home with their brown earthen pitchers full to the brim. They called me and shouted, "Come with us, the morning is wearing on to noon." But I languidly lingered awhile lost in the midst of vague musings.

I heard not thy steps as thou camest. Thine eyes were sad when they fell on me; thy voice was tired as thou spokest low "Ah, I am a thirsty traveller." I started up from my day-dreams and poured water from my jar on thy joined palms. The leaves rustled overhead; the cuckoo sang from the unseen dark, and perfume of babla flowers came from the bend of the road.

I stood speechless with shame when my name thou didst ask. Indeed, what had I done for thee to keep me in remembrance? But the memory that I could give water to thee to allay thy thirst will cling to my heart and enfold it in sweetness. The morning hour is late, the bird sings in weary notes, neem leaves rustle overhead and I sit and think and think.


In this poem, the poet celebrates the selfless and devoted love for God. Not everyone who loves God receives His presence, only those who truly love Him without any selfishness or impurity. The poet portrays a scene where he imagines himself as a woman in love, and God appears as her beloved. When God arrives, the poet is left speechless in awe. When God departs, the poet remains silent. The poet is alone by a well, where the tree's shadow falls sideways, while the other women have gone home after filling their pitchers with water. The poet, completely absorbed in love for the beloved, doesn't even notice the delay.

God approaches the poet without the poet realizing it. With a sad expression and a tired voice, God softly tells the poet that He is a thirsty traveler. The poet, snapped out of her daydreaming, pours water into God's cupped hands. As God drinks, the leaves rustle, the cuckoo sings, and the scent of fragrant babla flowers fills the air.

God asks the poet her name, but she is unable to speak. The poet believes that offering water to God may not be worth remembering for Him, but it will always remain a sweet memory in her heart. After the traveler departs, taking with Him the songs of the birds, the poet, as a woman in love, is lost in her thoughts. The act of love will leave lasting, pleasant memories in the poet's mind.

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