Literary Terms - Acrostic


Literary Terms


An acrostic is a literary device in which the first letter of every verse consecutively forms a word or message.  An acrostic is mostly applied in poetry, but can also be used in prose or word puzzle. This word or alphabet is often connected to the theme of the poem. It is deliberately inserted to make readers discover the layered message. It also acts as a mnemonic device that can quicken the pace of the memorization process. Acrostic poetry can be written in any meter, or free verse form, with or without a rhyme scheme. However, the most common types of acrostic poems are those in which the initial letter of each line forms a word, and is often capitalized.

Acrostic is used as a tool to add a new dimension to the texts. The writers, very artistically, transform a simple text into a word puzzle by allowing the audience to interpret the hidden message of the text. Also, it enables the writers to project information comically. However, it is not something comic. The writers purposefully choose this strategy to convey their thoughts, ideas, and messages. Also, the acrostic style makes poems easy to remember. This conventional style of poetry is widely exercised in children literature to make learning fun for them.

Types of Acrostic Poems

Telestich: These are the poems in which the last letters of each line spell a word or message.

Mesostich: The poems in which the middle of words or verses forms a word or a message.

Double Acrostic: The poem in which words are spelled by both the first and last letters of each line in a way that one word is read vertically down the left side of the text, and another word is read vertically down the right side of the text.

Abecedarian: Acrostic in which alphabets are spelled instead of words. Chaucer’s poem “La Priere de Nostre Dame” is a good example of an abecedarian acrostic.

Non-Standard: Non-standard acrostics do not use first or last letters to spell out a word. Instead, they emphasize letters in different places within the poem.


1.               Lewis Carroll’s “Acrostic”

Little maidens, when you look

On this little story-book,

Reading with attentive eye

Its enticing history,

Never think that hours of play

Are your only HOLIDAY,

And that in a HOUSE of joy

Lessons serve but to annoy:

If in any HOUSE you find

Children of a gentle mind,

Each the others pleasing ever—

Each the others vexing never—

Daily work and pastime daily

In their order taking gaily—

Then be very sure that they

Have a life of HOLIDAY.

Lewis Carroll wrote this poem for three children on Christmas. The poem illustrates the lovely sense of domestic life during the holidays. The poet seems to explain why we should take a break out of busy lives to enjoy these times of the holidays. However, it is the most common type of acrostic, as the initial letters of the poem spell out the names of three sisters: Lorina, Alice, and Edith.

2.               Nabokov’s “The Vane Sisters”

I could isolate, consciously, little. Everything seemed blurred, yellow-clouded, yielding nothing tangible. Her inept acrostics, maudlin evasions, theopathies—every recollection formed ripples of mysterious meaning. Everything seemed yellowly blurred, illusive, lost.”

This is an example of acrostic formed in prose.  It is a story about a professor who believes that codes and concealed meanings wrapped in acrostics evoke the thrill of discovery. Therefore, the first letters of each word in the final paragraph of the text spells out a phrase, “Icicles by Cynthia; Meter from me, Sybil.” These words are the keywords to interpret the story’s mysterious plot.

3.               An Acrostic by Edgar Allan Poe

Elizabeth it is in vain you say

Love not” — thou sayest it in so sweet a way:

In vain those words from thee or L.E.L.

Zantippe’s talents had enforced so well:

Ah! if that language from thy heart arise,

Breath it less gently forth — and veil thine eyes.

Endymion, recollect, when Luna tried

To cure his love — was cured of all beside —

His follie — pride — and passion — for he died.

In these lines, Edgar Alan Poe talks about love by using the name, ELIZABETH as a word. The L. E. L in the third line may refer to an English poet, Letitia Elizabeth London, who is famous for signing her works with these initials. The poem speaks about the love and merry-making of a couple. Poe has used acrostic style to illustrate how most of the people find hope in love.

4.               Chaucer's "La Priere de Nostre Dame"

Commonly referred to as "Chaucer's ABC's," this poem is an example of the sub-genre of acrostic known as abecedarian poetry, in which the first letters of each stanza spell the alphabet in sequence.

ALMIGHTY and all-merciable Queen,

To whom all this world fleeth for succour...


Bounty so fix'd hath in thy heart his tent,

That well I wot thou wilt my succour be...


Comfort is none, but in you, Lady dear!

For lo! my sin and my confusion...

5.               Blake's "London"

This poem by William Blake puts a special emphasis on the sounds of London's cityscape, such as the cries of the chimneysweeps and the sighs of the soldiers. In the third stanza, the initial letters of each line form an acrostic that spells the word "HEAR," which underscores the speaker's fixation on the sounds in his environment. This is an example of acrostic being used in just one stanza of a poem—the remainder of the poem does not contain acrostics.

How the Chimney-sweepers cry

Every blackning Church appalls,

And the hapless Soldiers sigh

Runs in blood down Palace walls

6.               Cage's "Overpopulation and Art"

John Cage was a hugely influential experimental composer and poet who, toward the end of his life, became interested in writing acrostic poems in which the key letters were placed in the middles of lines instead of at the beginnings—a form known as mesostich poetry. The following excerpt is the beginning of one of the last poems Cage wrote in his lifetime, "Overpopulation and Art." The long mesostich poem, written in free verse, spells out the words of the title, "overpopulation and art," twenty times (the number of letters in the title). The excerpt below shows just one of the twenty cycles of the poem.

abOut 1948 or 50 the number of people


all at oncE

equaled the numbeR who had ever lived at any time all added together

the Present as far as numbers


became equal to the Past

we are now in the fUture

it is something eLse


iT doubled

has It quadrupled

all we nOw

kNow for sure is

the deAd

are iN the minority

they are outnumbereD by us who're living

whAt does this do to


way of communicaTing...

Acrostic poems may be written in meter or in free verse, with or without rhyme.

Roses are red,

Oranges yummy,

Sugar's a sweet,

Elixir in my tummy.

Decoding Acrostics

The level of difficulty in decoding the hidden message of an acrostic varies widely, and that difficulty depends on how carefully the author has hidden it or, conversely, how deliberately he or she has revealed it. In many cases, it's easy to recognize the word being spelled in the acrostic because the important letters are capitalized or bolded and they fall at the beginning of each line. In other cases, the author may have intended for the acrostic to be harder to solve, leading them to insert the important letters more subtly by embedding them somewhere other than the first word of each line or leaving the letters lower-case. Put another way: an acrostic may be a show, in which the author wants you to see it at once, or a puzzle that the author is content to have some people find and other's not.

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