Play boy of the Western World by John Millington Singe (Character of Christy Mahon)


Play boy of the Western World

by John Millington Singe

(Character of Christy Mahon) 

Christy Mahon is the central character of Synge’s ‘The Playboy of the Western World’. The play revolves round the character and personality of Christopher Mahon. The entire action of the play takes place in the course of 24 hours. When the Christy arrives at the public house, he meets Pegeen, Widow Quin and Michael James. He becomes confident and has started thinking of marrying Pegeen. He refuses Shawn’s offer to clear his way for him to marry Pegeen. When he sees his father coming, he hides himself.

Christy Mahon is a handsome young man. Pegeen and Widow Quin are impressed by him. Pegeen says, “You should have had great people in your family. I am thinking with the little small feet you have and with you a king of quality name”. On the other hand, Widow Quin is also impressed by his talents in the sports and games. Most of the young girls of Mayo are fascinated by his courage of killing his own father. According to old Mahon, Christy is a man of character, “if he sees a red petticoat coming swimming over the hill, he would be off to hide in the sticks”. His father too is very interesting character. He throws a vivid light on the past character of Christy. He says that, his son is a dirty boy and good for nothing. He says that Christy is shy of girls and he neither drinks nor smokes. He calls his son an ugly young black guard. He is good only at making faces at himself in the mirror.  

Christy comes to the public house and tells all the people there that he had murdered his father. They are impressed but when old Mahon comes there Christy is proved a liar. To save his reputation he again attacks his father and tries to kill him. Widow Quin asks Christy to leave away the public house but he refuses to do so. Widow Quin also asks him to marry her and she will serve him well but Christy says that he cannot bear the separation from Pegeen. He says that even a dozen of beautiful women, of the country stand in a line before him, half naked; he would not look at them. He is a brave, clever, courageous and handsome young man, having a fascinating personality. He is a true lover, totally ignorant and innocent of the worldly vices. 

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