The Queen of Delhi’s Dream by Michael Madhusudan Dutt (Summary & Analysis)

The Queen of Delhi’s Dream

by Michael Madhusudan Dutt

(Summary & Analysis)


In the poem, The Queen of Delhi’s Dream, M.M. Dutt talks of that period of history, when Prithvi Raj Chauhan was the king and Sanyukta was the queen. It is not clear that who the queen of Delhi’s dream is. In this poem there are two dreams described. In the first one she dreams the goddess Kali, and in the second part of the poem she dreams of a funeral pyre, in which a bold warrior jump.

In the opening lines of the poem, the poet describes the queen of Delhi’s dream. The queen dreams of the goddess kali. The goddess appears with the blood-stained brow and a sword in her hand, her complexion is dark, her belt is of human hands with torches and she is wearing a long garland of human skulls, which are covered with blood. The goddess, when appears in this fearful and fierce condition in the queen’s dream, becomes nervous. The goddess addresses the queen as daughter and bids her farewell, since the time has come, for her, to go. She wants to leave the queen and all her devotees. Thus, saying so she disappears like a flame of fire.

The queen again watches the second dream, in which she sees a warrior who jumps into a blazing funeral pyre. As soon as this brave but weak warrior jumps into the pyre, the pyre rises like a hungry monster and devours him. When the queen sees this, she gives a shrill cry and her heart begins to beat heavily.

The poet has given a very apt and imaginative imagery of goddess. He further gives the description of the disappearance of the goddess graphically. He describes a brave warrior and gives a beautiful simile of fire. He compares the fire with a hungry monster. “The dreams always reflect our hidden desires”. The poem reflects the desires of the queen. She wishes her father to come and rescue them. the poet was influenced by the romantic poets. He uses rhyming couplets in this poem.

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