King Porus by Michael Madhusudan Dutt (Summary & Analysis)

King Porus

by Michael Madhusudan Dutt

(Summary & Analysis)


Michael Madhusudan Dutt was a poet of the 19th century. He was born in a Bengali family of Calcutta. He was influenced by romantic poetry. The poem is based on Indian History. It sings the heroism of King Porous.

The poem is divided into 6 stanzas of varying lengths, narrating the different situation of the battle field. The first stanza describes the atmosphere of the war field. In the second stanza he describes the scene of the field, when Alexander attacked the brave sons of India. He further describes how king Porus stood in the field fearlessly. In the fourth stanza the poet describes how King Alexander is impressed by the heroism of king Porus. In the fifth stanza poet describes the most memorable event of the Indian history when Alexander was impressed by the straight forward reply of king Porus and released him immediately. In the last part of the poem the poet asks the whereabouts of king Porus and the brave sons of India.

In the poem, Alexander is named as the immortal Thunderer son and again as the Emathian conqueror. The poem throws a flood of light on the character of brave king Porus. The description of king Porus as a warrior is very appealing. M. M. Dutt has personified Death and Birth. He has also used the imagery. He has compared the lightening with the women’s glance.

The title of the poem is apt and suggestive. The poet narrates the battle between king Porus and Alexander and the heroism of the brave sons of India. In this poem he highlights the character of king Porus. The title gives us the clue to the whole poem that the poet is singing about the heroic exploit of king Porus, who repulsed the further advancement of Alexander. The poet does not deviate his poem from the history. He describes the stormy night, when the river was in full flow. It was raining in full torrents. It was in such night Alexander crossed the river.


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