Paradise Lost by John Milton (Questions & Answers)


Paradise Lost

by John Milton

(Questions & Answers)

Book1 Summary

Book2 Summary

Questions & Answers (Book 1 & Book 2) 

1.               What is invocation in an epic?

-    The epic writer invokes to his deity to help him in his plan of writing an epic. Here Milton invokes Heavenly Muse in the tradition of epic writing.


2.               How did loss of Garden of Edam happen?

-    Adam & Eve ate the fruit of the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden. This was an act of disobedience to God. That disobedience brought Death & misery into the world. The characters, incidents & places have religious, allegorical meanings.


3.               What is the theme of Paradise Lost?

-    According to the author the theme of Paradise Lost is to assert Eternal Providence and justify the ways of God to mankind.


4.               Who deceived Eve and why?

-    Satan in-form of a serpent deceived Eve in order to take revenge against God. Satan was expelled from Heaven along with his followers because he challenged the authority of God in Heaven.


5.               How is Beelzebub associated with Satan?

-    Beelzebub is the most powerful companion of Satan who fought with Satan against God in Heaven. They and their followers are thrown down into Hell by the Almighty. Beelzebub suffers with Satan in misery & equal ruin in Hell also.


6.               Why does Satan consider the fallen angels immortal?

-    Satan considers that the fallen angels are immortal because they are made of ether which can’t be destroyed. Their substance cannot fail. All this has allegorical meaning.


7.               What are the traits of Satan which are not changed even after the fall?

-    Satan has unconquerable will, thought of revenge, undying hatred towards God and the courage which never yields. His speech has religious, allegorical interpretations.


8.               How does Satan justify living in Hell?

-    Satan justifies living in Hell on the ground that it is far away from the authority in Heaven. Moreover, it is a strong mind which can make Hell of Heaven and Heaven of Hell. The fallen angels will have more freedom and security in Hell then in Heaven and it is better to rule in Hell then to serve in Heaven.


9.               How does Satan compare and contrast himself with God?

-    Satan considers that he is equal to God in reason. Only His thunder has made God better than Satan in strength.


10.        What is the hint given at the end of Satan’s speech?

-    Satan and his followers are going to wage war against God in order to gain Heaven once again. It may be a direct or proxy war. Satan is going to call a meeting in this regard.


11.        What according to Moloch should the fallen angels do and why?

-    According to Moloch the fallen angels should rage open war against God because if they spend time scheming the rest of the angels would waste their energies in waiting inactively and suffer the tyrannies of Hell.


12.        What is Moloch’s suggestion to the fearful angels?

-    Moloch suggests to fearful angels that it is natural for them to rise and unnatural to fall as they might have felt while descending to Hell.


13.        What is Moloch’s answer to the angels who fear that God might inflict greater punishment if they invoke him again?

-    Moloch’s answer to them is that nothing can be worse than dwelling in Hell where they are condemned to everlasting misery and agony. Here they are subject to His anger and inevitable torture. If he still destroys them to annihilate them altogether – it would even be better than living in Hell.


14.        What does Moloch suggest at last?

-    Moloch suggests that by past experience they feel a power to disturb his throne. And by repeated attacks they can disturb his throne if not achieve victory.


15.        What are the three main arguments of Moloch?

-    Three main arguments of Moloch are

i.          It is natural for spirits to ascend.

ii.       It is better to be destroyed in struggle than to suffer extreme agony passively. No further punishment can now be expected.

iii.    If victory is impossible, revenge at least is certain. Moloch is anxious to fight, for the sake of fighting. He must have warlike action. Whatever the result.


16.        What does Beelzebub think about their stay in Hell and Why?

-    Beelzebub thinks that the fallen angels should not consider Hell as a place of hiding from the God’s wrath, start thinking of growing an empire there. Rather it is a place where they are serving as slaves under the rigorous control of God from which there is no escape.


17.        Why is Beelzebub not in favour of war against God?

-    Beelzebub is not in favor of war because war has already lashed all their hopes and besides Heaven’s lofty walls make it a safe place against attack or siege.


18.        What easier target does Beelzebub suggest?

-    Beelzebub suggests the ‘new world’ as the new target. This he says would be an easy attack for them since this place is away from the influence of God and open for attack.


19.        Why, according to him, will an attack on the new world be a better idea of Revenge?

-    According to Beelzebub an attack on the new world will be a better idea of revenge since this way if they corrupt Man to their party God will have to destroy and repent his own creation. And thus, he would be most disturbed to see the downfall of his beloved Man.


20.        How difficult, according to Satan, is the journey outside Hell?

-    Satan says that the way outside Hell is very difficult. The way that leads out of Hell itself is very arduous- there are gates of nine-fold strength spread over which are hot flames. Outside Hell is an empty abyss of darkness threatening to make one feel lost.


21.        What reason does Satan give for his attempting the dangerous flight?

-    Satan reasons that if he is sitting on the throne, he should also be ready to sacrifice comfort. He says that he will be unworthy of imperial supremacy if he does not accept this difficult task with dignity.


22.        What suggestion does he give to the angels?

-    He suggests and advises other angels to find out ways to ease the agony of living in Hell. They should not relax their watchfulness and should find means to charm the sufferings of Hell.


23.        Why does Satan rise all of a sudden, after his speech?

-    Satan rises all of a sudden from his throne and is ready to start the journey because he does not want to give anyone else a chance to gain recognition by offering himself for the difficult task. He wants to show his worth and thus establishes himself once again the leader of the fallen angels.


24.        Who is the enemy of God and Man? Why?

-    Satan is the enemy of God and Man. He does accept the authority of God in Heaven and thus is hurled down into Hell where he conspires against God. He and his fallen angels have waged a war, direct or proxy, against God. Satan is going to tempt Adam so that he may eat the fruit of the forbidden tree of knowledge & invite God’s wrath.


25.        Why are the gates of Hell impenetrable?

-    The gates of Hell are impenetrable because there are nine folds – three folds of brass, three of iron and three of adamantine rock. They are fenced with circling fire where there is continuous supply of Sulphur. The gates are guarded by Sin & Death.


26.        Describe Sin.

-    Sin personified is like a charming woman in the upper part but the other part of her body is a serpent with a terrible sting. Round the middle part of her body there is a pack of Hell hounds with constant barking. Sin is further described with the help of an epic simile concerning the fate of mythological Scylla. It has allegorical meaning leading to religious connotations.


27.        Describe Death.

-    Death personified is described in allegorical terms having religious meaning. Death spares none. She has no fixed form or shape. She appears sometimes like a substance and sometimes like a shadow. She is more dangerous & frightening than the ten Furies. She is blacker than night itself.


28.        What does Satan see as he approaches the new world?

-    Satan sees light coming out of Heaven’s walls and falling downward. Heaven is undistinguishable in its size & shape but is adorned with opal towers. Nearer to Heaven is the world hanging in a golden chain.


29.        What difference does Satan feel in his journey through the abyss and his journey, when he can see Heaven?

-    While his journey through the darkness and abyss is tough and treacherous but it becomes very smooth as he reaches near the new world. He can float easily without any effort and though he is tired, he is enjoying the new found calm and light. He is compared with a weather-beaten ship reaching near the shore gladly, though damaged and shattered.


30.        What effect does the poet convey by using similes?

-    The similes, used to describe the shattered condition of Satan, are much appropriate. They are necessary for the epic style. Moreover, the objects compared are also taken from the world of this universe which makes them more heroic and heightens their effect.

Book1 Summary

Book2 Summary

Questions & Answers (Book 1 & Book 2)

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