Elegy Written in A Country Churchyard by Thomas Gray (Questions & Answers)

Elegy Written in A Country Churchyard

by Thomas Gray

(Questions & Answers)




Questions & Answers


Choose the correct answer:

1.               Gray wrote his first poem in:

  i.        1730

ii.        1741

iii.        1742


2.               Mr. Philip Gray had:

   i.        a loving attitude

ii.        mild nature

iii.        peculiar temper


3.               Gray saw Racine’s ‘Britannicus’ in:

  i.        Paris

ii.        London

iii.        Italy


4.               The name of the son of Prime Minister was:

   i.        Thomas Ashton

ii.        Richard West

iii.        Horace Walpole


5.               Gray went in 1739 on a tour of:

  i.        Europe

ii.        Warwickshire

iii.        Switzerland


6.               Cambridge University offered Gray:

  i.        Professorship of Modern History

ii.        Poet Laureateship

iii.        Professorship of English


7.               Pre-Romantics were headed by:

   i.        Johnson – Thomson – Gray

ii.        Thomson – Gray – Collins

iii.        Thomson – Pope – Gray


8.               Poem entitled ‘season’ was published in:

   i.        one part

ii.        two parts

iii.        four parts


9.               Age of Reason modulated into the:

   i.        movement of revolt

ii.        Age of Dr. Johnson

iii.        Age of sensibility


10.        By middle of century the revolt became clearer against:

   i.        romantic poets

ii.        reason

iii.        classical school


11.        The rustic people were buried:

   i.        in the church

ii.        in forests

iii.        outside the church


12.        On the graves of the rustic there were:

   i.        elaborate epitaphs

ii.        no trophies

iii.        big trophies


13.        The people of city were:

  i.        ambitious and showy

ii.        cruel

iii.        unruly


14.        These poor villagers did the humble work of:

  i.        cultivation

ii.        gathering sheep

iii.        sitting around fire place


15.        The gravestones of the poor show their desire to be remembered:

                   i.        by their relatives

                ii.        in the annals of history

            iii.        after death


16.        The reflections in the “Elegy” are:

                   i.        exceptional

                ii.        full of sorrows and griefs

            iii.        of most natural and obvious character


17.        The style which Gray aims at, is of:

                   i.        extreme consciousness of expression

                ii.        dignity of thought

            iii.        everlasting contemplation


18.        The poetry of Gray abounds in all the seeds of:

                   i.        the eighteenth century

                ii.        the Miltonic age

            iii.        the coming age


19.        The poetry of classical age is purely related to the:

                  i.        description of urban life

                ii.        description of rustic life

              iii.        description of virtuous life


20.        “Elegy” presents feelings and thoughts that are:

                   i.        moral and philosophical

                ii.        true and homely

            iii.        common to the human breast


Answer the questions:

21.        Discuss the Romantic reaction.

-    With the beginning of eighteenth century under the influence of Augustans, society had an upper-hand and classicists invariably wrote within the social context of the age. A reaction for the liberation of the human spirit from this dominance was called romantic reaction which was led by pre-Romantic poets.


22.        What role did ‘Seasons’ play in realm of poetry?

-    ‘Seasons’ of James Thomson was responsible for the division of the classical tradition.


23.        What were main characteristics of Pre-Romantics?

-    The main characteristics of Pre-Romantics were rural meditation, love of nature, humanity, sentiments and emotions.


24.        How did William Shenstone add to sensibility?

-    Shenstone broke away from conventions of his Age and developed a really original line which marks another step forward.


25.        What is called Age of Classicism?

-    The period beginning from Restoration of King Charles II (1660) to the publication of Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads’ (1798) is called as Age of Classicism.


26.        Who were representative poets of Augustan age?

-    John Dryden, A. Pope and Dr. Johnson were the main representatives of Augustan Age.


27.        Which tendency was in force from mid eighteenth century?

-    There was an increase to abandon the literary practices followed by Pope and Dr. Johnson.


28.        What happened after Pope?

-    After Pope’s death there was no one who use Pope’s form and style in his writings.


29.        Comment on the Gray – Walpole relationship.

-    They both were good friends since their entry in Eton. On the tour of Europe in 1942, they parted due to some dispute and in 1745 they reconciled and became friends again.


30.        Where do we find Thomas Gray’s influence?

-    Gray influenced Wordsworth as we see in ‘Lyrical Ballads’.


31.        Which are the questions dealt in “Elegy”?

-    The ‘Elegy’ mainly deals with mystery of life, death, human behaviour, feelings and thoughts.


32.        What is difficult to conceive in the reflection of the “Elegy”?

-    It is difficult to conceive of anyone musing under similar circumstances who should not muse in the way Gray has done.


33.        Discuss Dr. Johnson’s views on ‘Elegy’.

-    Dr. Johnson says that Gray’s ‘Elegy’ abounds with images which find a mirror in every man’s mind and sentiments.


34.        Discuss the merits of Thomas Gray.

-    Thomas Gray was a great poet of humanity who had love for Nature, sentiments, emotions, music, note of melancholy with an ability of pictorial description.


35.        What was Thomas Gray’s opinion about his ‘Elegy’?

-    Gray said the popularity of ‘Elegy’ was due to the subject and its treatment. 




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