English Grammar - Noun – Gender


English Grammar

Noun – Gender


All living beings are of either the male or the female sex. ‘Noun-Gender’ tells us about the sex of the noun. In grammar, nouns have four genders:

Masculine gender

Feminine gender

Common gender

Neuter gender


1.               Masculine gender: Masculine gender refers to a male character or a male member of a species.


Man, lion, hero, boy, king, horse, actor, etc.


2.               Feminine gender: Feminine gender refers to a female member of a species.


Woman, lioness, heroine, girl, mare, niece, empress, etc.


3.               Common gender: Common gender refers to a member of species which can be a male or a female.


Child, student, friend, applicant, candidate, servant, member, etc.


4.               Neuter gender: Neuter gender refers to a member of a species which is neither a male nor a female. It means, nouns referring to lifeless objects are called neuter nouns.


Chair, table, tree, star, mountain, street, book, car, school, paper, pencil, computer, etc.


Ways of forming the feminine of Noun

There are three ways of forming the Feminine of Nouns –

(i)            By using an entirely different name:


Bachelor - spinster

Bachelor - maid

Boar - sow

Boy - girl

Brother - sister

Buck - doe

Bull - cow

Bull - ox

Bullock - heifer

Cock - hen

Colt - filly

Dog - bitch

Drake - duck

Drone - bee

Earl - countess

Father - mother

Friar - monk

Friar - nun

Gander - goose

Gentleman - lady

Hart - hind

Horse - mare

Husband - wife

King - queen

Lord - lady

Man - woman

Nephew - niece

Papa - mamma

Ram - ewe

Sir - madam

Son - daughter

Stag - hind

Swain - nymph

Uncle - aunt

Wizard - witch


(ii)         By adding ‘ess’ to the Masculine noun


-    without any change in the form of the Masculine:


Author - authoress

Baron - baroness

Count - countess

Giant - giantess

God - goddess

Heir - heiress

Host - hostess

Jew - Jewess

Lion - lioness

Manager - manageress

Mayor - mayoress

Patron - patroness

Peer - peeress

Poet - poetess

Priest - priestess

Prince - princess

Prior - prioress

Prophet - prophetess

Shepherd - shepherdess

Viscount - viscountess


-    By adding ‘ess’ and omitting the vowel of the last syllable of the Masculine


Actor - actress

Benefactor - benefactress

Conductor - conductress

Director - directress

Enchanter - enchantress

Founder - foundress

Hunter - huntress

Inspector - inspectress

Instructor - instructress

Negro - negress

Porter - portress

Preceptor - preceptress

Songster - songstress

Tempter - temptress

Tiger - tigress

Traitor - traitress

Votary - votaress

Waiter – waitress


-    By adding ‘ess’ to the Masculine in a different way


Abbot - abbess

Duke - duchess

Master - Miss

Mr. - Mrs.

Emperor - empress

Governor - governess

Lad - lass

Master - mistress

Marquis - Marchioness

Marquess - Marchioness

Murderer - murderess

Sorcerer – sorceress


(iii)      By adding a word to the Masculine Nouns (by adding prefixes and suffixes to the Masculine nouns).


-    by adding or changing the prefix.


Bull-calf - cow-calf

Buck-rabbit - doe-rabbit

Cock-sparrow - hen-sparrow

He-goat - she-goat

Jack-ass - she-ass

Jack-ass - jenny-ass

Man-servant - maid-servant


-    By adding or changing the suffix.


Grand-father - grand-mother

Great-uncle - great-aunt

Land-lord - land-lady

Pea-cock - pea-hen

Dairy-man - dairy-maid

Washer-man - washer-woman


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