Articles - Definite Article



(Definite Article) 


Articles/Definite Article

The Indefinite Article

No Article/Zero Article

The Adjectives a or an and the are called Articles. They are Demonstrative Adjectives.

Articles (a, an, the) define a noun as specific or unspecific.

Look at these examples to see how articles are used.

She's a doctor.

I need an umbrella.

Have you heard the news?

I don't like spiders.

English has two types of articles: definite and indefinite.

The Definite Article

The only definite article in English is the word the, denoting person(s) or thing(s) already mentioned, under discussion, or otherwise presumed familiar to the listener or reader. It limits the meaning of a noun to one particular thing.

"The" can be used with both singular and plural nouns, with nouns of any gender, and with nouns that start with any letter.

Consider the following sentences:

1.       Give me the book.

2.       Give me a book.

Sentence 1 uses the definite article and thus expresses a request for a particular book. In contrast, Sentence 2 uses an indefinite article and conveys that the speaker would be satisfied with any book.

Rule 1:

‘The’ is used to indicate a particular person(s) or thing(s) in the case of common nouns. Proper nouns generally do not take an article.


The man is running. (A particular man)

I saw the boy cooking.

Where is the book, I gave you last year?

I gave him a book, but he lost the book.

‘a book’ became ‘the book’ in the second clause because that book was not a random book anymore.

Rule 2:

Sometimes ‘the’ is used to generalize a group or a whole class.


The dog is a faithful animal. (Refers to the whole species of dog.)

The English are industrious. (Refers to the people of England as a nation)

The honest are respected.

The poor are not always dishonest.

Rule 3:

To particularize an uncountable noun ‘the’ is required before it.


The water of the Arctic ocean is freezing.

Please return the money I lent you last year.

The milk in the glass is of goat.

Rule 4:

‘The’ is mandatory before a thing which is only one of a kind in the universe.


The moon is shining tonight.

The earth is moving around the sun.

The sun rose at 6:17 this morning.

You can go anywhere in the world.

Clouds drifted across the sky.

Rule 5:

Use ‘the’ before superlatives and ordinal numbers.


This is the highest building in New York.

She read the last chapter of her new book first.

You are the tallest person in our class.

This is the third time I have called you today.

Rule 6:

Use ‘the’ when you assume there is just one of something in that place, even if it has not been mentioned before.


We went on a walk in the forest yesterday.

Where is the bathroom?

Our house is across from the Italian restaurant.

My father enjoyed the book you gave him.

Rule 7:

Use ‘the’ with adjectives, to refer to a whole group of people.


The French enjoy cheese.

The elderly require special attention.

She has given a lot of money to the poor.

Rule 8:

Use ‘the’ with decades.


He was born in the seventies.

This is a painting from the 1820's.

Rule 9:

Use ‘the’ with clauses introduced by only


This is the only day we've had sunshine all week.

You are the only person he will listen to.

The only tea I like is black tea.

Rule 10:

Use ‘the’ with countries that have plural names


I have never been to the Netherlands.

Do you know anyone who lives in the Philippines?

Rule 11:

Use ‘the’ with countries that include the words "republic", "kingdom", or "states" in their names.


She is visiting the United States.

James is from the Republic of Ireland.

Rule 12:

Use ‘the’ with newspaper names.


I read it in the Guardian.

She works for the New York Times.

Rule 13:

Use ‘the’ with the names of famous buildings, works of art, museums, or monuments.


Have you been to the Vietnam Memorial?

We went to the Louvre and saw the Mona Lisa.

I would like to visit the Eiffel Tower.

I saw King Lear at the Globe.

Rule 14:

Use ‘the’ with the names of hotels & restaurants, unless these are named after a person.


They are staying at the Hilton on 6th street.

We ate at the Golden Lion.

Rule 15:

Use ‘the’ with the names of families, but not with the names of individuals.


We're having dinner with the Smiths tonight.

The Browns are going to the play with us.

Geographical names are confusing because some require the and some do not.

Rule 16:

Use ‘the’ with names of geographical areas, rivers, mountain ranges, groups of islands, canals, united countries, large regions, deserts, peninsulas, seas, gulfs and oceans.


They are travelling in the Arctic.

Our ship crossed the Atlantic in 7 days.

I will go on a cruise down the Nile.

Hiking across the Rocky Mountains would be difficult.

the Gobi Desert

the United Arab Emirates

the Sacramento River

When not to use "the"

1.       Do not use ‘the’ with names of countries (except for the special cases above).


Germany is an important economic power.

He's just returned from Zimbabwe.

2.       Do not use ‘the’ with the names of languages.


French is spoken in Tahiti.

English uses many words of Latin origin.

Indonesian is a relatively new language.

3.       Do not use ‘the’ with the names of meals.


Lunch is my favorite meal.

I like to eat breakfast early.

4.       Do not use ‘the’ with people's names.


John is coming over later.

Mary Carpenter is my boss.

5.       Do not use ‘the’ with titles when combined with names.


Prince Charles is Queen Elizabeth's son.

President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas.

6.       Do not use ‘the’ after the 's possessive case


His brother's car was stolen.

Peter's house is over there.

7.       Do not use ‘the’ with professions


Engineering is a well-paid career.

He'll probably study medicine.

8.       Do not use ‘the’ with names of shops


I'll get the card at Smith's.

Can you go to Boots for me?

9.       Do not use ‘the’ with years


1948 was a wonderful year.

He was born in 1995.

10.Do not use ‘the’ with uncountable nouns


Rice is an important food in Asia.

Milk is often added to tea in England.

War is destructive.

11.Do not use ‘the’ with the names of individual mountains, lakes and islands


Mount McKinley is the highest mountain in Alaska.

She lives near Lake Windermere.

Have you visited Long Island?

12.Do not use ‘the’ with most names of towns, streets, stations and airports


Victoria Station is in the center of London.

Can you direct me to Bond Street?

She lives in Florence.

They're flying into Heathrow.


Articles/Definite Article

The Indefinite Article

No Article/Zero Article

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