VMOU B.A. English -2020-21 EG -04 (Prose and Fiction-II) B



B.A. English -2020-21

EG -04

Prose and Fiction-II

Max Marks: 30


Note: The Question paper is divided into three sections A, B, and C. Write Answer as per the given instruction.


(Short Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any 4 questions. Each answer should not exceed 100 words. Each question carries 3 marks.


2. What is the root cause of modern world wars, according to Russell?

Russell says that there is no opposition between machines and emotions. He says, machines want machine like qualities in man such as reliability, punctuality, regularity and exactness. But human instincts want a change and is addicted to irregularity, spontaneity and emotional satisfaction. These are the qualities just opposite to those bound in the machines. When the natural instincts are not satisfied, they become rebellious and this is the reason of the world wars in our days. Press and politicians for their own advantage encourage people for wars as a measure of relief from machine like qualities.

3. How was Douglas affected by the thoughts of Roosevelt?

The thought of Roosevelt that there is terror in the fear of death had deep impact on Douglas. He had experienced both the sensation of dying and the terror of the fear of death. But later he brushed aside his fear by challenging it by the will to live and succeeded. In the essay, ‘Deep Water’, the author talks about his fear of water and how he overcame it. To test whether he had lost all the fear, he went up to the Warm Lake and swam across it and was overjoyed to learn that he had at last conquered his fear of water.

4. What are the disease snobberies of the rich people?

There are some disease snobberies of the rich people who think that they suffer from incurable diseases. Such people possess lot of leisure, wealth and health also yet they seem to suffer from undiagnosable diseases and for their cure they run from one famous doctor to another and spend a lot of money also and yet they find no satisfaction. The truth about them is that they do not suffer from any disease and are quite hale and healthy, but such people are only disease snobs. Overeating is their habit because they are rich people and they can afford to be disease snobs.

5. How is the mystery of Julia’s murder resolved?

The murder victim in this story, Julia Stoner was the twin sister of Helen Stoner. She was killed in the middle of the night in her bedroom by a poisonous snake. The snake was trained by her stepfather, Dr. Roylott, who lived in the neighboring bedroom. At the time of her death, Julia was engaged to be married to a major of the marines, and her marriage would have meant that she would receive a portion of the recurring annual inheritance that was set up to go to Roylott before her mother’s death. Her final words— “It was the band! The speckled band!”—are what give the story both its title and its central mystery.

6. Why does Marley’s ghost visit Scrooge?

Ghost of Marley wants to help his old friend, Scrooge to redeem his life. He explains, because of his weight of his sins, he can do no more than act a messenger, preparing Scrooge by telling his story to receive visits from the three ghosts that are to come. Marley is a good intermediary because he was the one person in Scrooge's mature life that he felt close to and trusted. Marley explains that those who don't mingle with and help their fellows in life are condemned to mingle with them after death. By helping Scrooge, Marley is helping himself.





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