Song: Go and catch a falling star by John Donne (The poem, Summary & Analysis)


Song: Go and catch a falling star

by John Donne

(The poem, Summary & Analysis) 


About the poet & the poem



John Donne (1572–1631) was an English poet, scholar, soldier and secretary, who later became a cleric in the Church of England. He was made Dean of St Paul's Cathedral in London (1621–1631). He is considered the preeminent representative of the metaphysical poets. His poetical works are noted for their metaphorical and sensual style and include sonnets, love poems, religious poems, Latin translations, epigrams, elegies, songs, and satires. He is also known for his sermons.

Donne's style is characterized by abrupt openings and various paradoxes, ironies and dislocations. These features were a reaction against the smoothness of conventional Elizabethan poetry. His early career was marked by poetry that bore immense knowledge of English society. One important theme in Donne's poetry is the idea of true religion. He wrote secular poems as well as erotic and love poems. He is particularly famous for his mastery of metaphysical conceits.

Despite his great education and poetic talents, Donne lived in poverty for several years, relying heavily on wealthy friends. He spent much of the money he inherited during and after his education on womanizing, literature, pastimes, and travel. In 1601, Donne secretly married Anne More, with whom he had twelve children. In 1615 he was ordained deacon and then Anglican priest, although he did not want to take Holy Orders and only did so because the king ordered it. He also served as a member of Parliament in 1601 and in 1614.

Song: Go and catch a falling star

(The Poem)

In the print anthology, this poem is titled simply ‘Song’.

Go and catch a falling star,

    Get with child a mandrake root,

Tell me where all past years are,

    Or who cleft the devil's foot,

Teach me to hear mermaids singing,

Or to keep off envy's stinging,

            And find

            What wind

Serves to advance an honest mind.


If thou be'st born to strange sights,

    Things invisible to see,

Ride ten thousand days and nights,

    Till age snow white hairs on thee,

Thou, when thou return'st, wilt tell me,

All strange wonders that befell thee,

            And swear,

            No where

Lives a woman true, and fair.


If thou find'st one, let me know,

    Such a pilgrimage were sweet;

Yet do not, I would not go,

    Though at next door we might meet;

Though she were true, when you met her,

And last, till you write your letter,

            Yet she

            Will be

False, ere I come, to two, or three.

About the poet & the poem



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