A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen (Symbols)


A Doll’s House

by Henrik Ibsen



About the play


Character of Nora Helmer

Character of Torvald Helmer

Character of Krogstad




Symbol is something, that represents or stands for something else, usually by convention or association, esp. a material object used to represent something abstract.

The Christmas Tree

The Christmas tree, a festive object that serves an ornamental purpose, depicts Nora's situation in her home as a plaything who is attractive to look at and adds charm to the home. The play draws many parallels between Nora and the Christmas Tree. As Nora instructs the maid that the children cannot see the tree until it is decorated, she tells Torvald that no one can see her in her dress until the evening of the dance. Also, at the beginning of the second act, after Nora’s psychological condition has begun to erode, the stage directions indicate that the Christmas tree is correspondingly “disheveled.”

New Year’s Day

The action of the play is set at Christmastime, and both Nora and Torvald look forward to the new year as the beginning of a new, happier phase in their lives. In the new year, Torvald will start his new job, and he hopes with enthusiasm for the extra money the job will bring him. Nora also looks forward to Torvald's new job, as she will eventually be able to repay her secret loan to Krogstad. By the end of the play, however, the nature of the new start that New Year’s represents for Torvald and Nora has changed dramatically. They both must become new people and face radically changed ways of living. Hence, the new year comes to mark the beginning of a truly new and different period in both their lives and their personalities.

About the play


Character of Nora Helmer

Character of Torvald Helmer

Character of Krogstad




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