On His Twenty-Third Birthday by John Milton (Poem & Summary & Analysis)


On His Twenty-Third Birthday

by John Milton

(Poem & Summary & Analysis)


This sonnet is a reflection about Milton, himself, at the age of twenty-three. In it, he assesses himself in terms of his personal maturity, suggesting that he doesn't appear to be as mature as others of his age, but that he may be more mature than he appears. Maturity here can be interpreted in terms of achievement and accomplishment, as well as in personal growth and understanding.

All that he is and all that he might become, he hopes, will be a fulfillment of God's will. Milton is thought to have written the sonnet shortly after graduating from Cambridge University, and the poem is very consistent with the thoughts of a young man who has completed the early phase of his life and is about to move into a wider world.

On His Twenty-Third Birthday

(The Poem)

How soon hath Time, the subtle thief of youth,

Stolen on his wing my three and twentieth year!

My hasting days fly on with full career,

But my late spring no bud or blossom shew'th,

Perhaps my semblance might deceive the truth,

That I to manhood am arrived so near,

And inward ripeness doth much less appear,

That some more timely-happy sprits indu'th.


Yet be it less or more, or soon or slow,

It shall be still in strictest measure even

To the same lot, however mean, or high,

Toward which Time leads me, and the will of Heaven.

All is, if I have grace to use it so,

As ever in my great Task - Master's eye.


The sonnet was written when Milton was twenty-three years old. It expresses his disappointment at his non achievement. He is painted to realize that he has not achieved anything and not composed any poem of good worth. Milton feels that twenty-three years have passed very quickly. Time has stolen his youth. Now his youth age is almost over. In his mature age he has no poetic output worth mentioning. He says that his physical appearance is quite youthful. By looking at him people may not judge that he has reached manhood. His mental faculties have not fully developed and thus the poetic talents have yet not begun to reveal themselves. In this respect he is less fortunate than those whose natural gifts bear fruits in proper course of time in their life.

The mood of the poet changes in sestet of this sonnet. He says that he is under the will of God and the time will give him success and opportunity. Milton says that everything in his life is under the supervision and care of God, if only he has grace to use it. As a true devotee and servant to his great Task Master, the God, he is waiting for God's will to grant him success.

This sonnet is about Milton himself. This sonnet is titled as "On being arrived at twenty-three years of age". It has been published under this title in "The English Poems of John Milton" by Oxford University Press, London in 1931.

Milton was determined to be a great poet and from his childhood he was seriously involved in his preparation to achieve his goal. Though he had shown adequate proof of his poetic genius while at Cambridge but he himself was not fully satisfied with all that.

In the octave of this sonnet, the poet expresses his disappointment on not achieving his high ambitions in poetic field. He is sad, that his youthful years have gone astray without any big achievement.

In the sestet, his mood appears to be changed. He says that all his life is under the eye of God, his great Task-Master. It appears that the poet is no longer disappointed. He has full faith in God's supervision. He has dedicated his abilities to God. God will choose the appropriate time to make him successful with his poetic powers. And we know that God gave him power to compose his masterpieces when he was blind. Milton proved to be the greatest poet of his times.

Summary & Analysis

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