That I should make much of myself (Song 71) by Rabindranath Tagore (Poem, Summary & Analysis)


That I should make much of myself (Song 71) by Rabindranath Tagore (Poem, Summary & Analysis) 

That I should make much of myself and turn it on all sides, thus casting coloured shadows on thy radiance - such is thy maya.

Thou settest a barrier in thine own being and then callest thy severed self in myriad notes. This thy self-separation has taken body in me.

The poignant song is echoed through all the sky in many-coloured tears and smiles, alarms and hopes; waves rise up and sink again, dreams break and form. In me is thy own defeat of self.

This screen that thou hast raised is painted with innumerable figures with the brush of the night and the day. Behind it thy seat is woven in wondrous mysteries of curves, casting away all barren lines of straightness.

The great pageant of thee and me has overspread the sky. With the tune of thee and me all the air is vibrant, and all ages pass with the hiding and seeking of thee and me.

That I should make much of myself and turn it on all sides, thus casting coloured shadows on thy radiance - such is thy maya.



The poet has realized that God is everywhere. In the past, the poet's search was for spiritual power, but now the search is over, and the poet understands that God is present in every part of creation. The poet now sings about God's presence and His illusion, called "maya."

The poet explains that God made humans. People are part of God's great plan, but God's maya (illusion) makes them forget where they came from. Because of this, humans think too highly of themselves and don't see God's light clearly. The poet believes that everything in creation, including himself, is part of God. God has created a separation, and this causes deep sadness. The poet feels like God is somehow defeated inside him.

God's maya acts like a curtain between humans and their Creator. This curtain hides God's true power and bright light from people. It makes humans forget about God and makes Him seem mysterious and endless. God has painted this illusion between Himself and humans, so they don't easily find the ultimate spiritual truth. God covers divine wisdom, and humans are left searching for it. The many forms and colors in the world hide the Creator from human eyes, and this game of hide and seek continues.


Critical Analysis

The poet has come to understand the truth about God, which not everyone can see. Humans are a part of God's divine soul. Even though we are made by God, we still long to be united with Him. Many people are searching for this holy connection with God because they don't fully understand the truth. God created the world of illusion (maya), which distracts people from the true reality. This illusion keeps people searching for a deeper connection with the universal soul, looking for oneness and completeness. Time passes, but people continue searching for God, even though He is already within them.

"You create a barrier within yourself, then call it your separate self. This separation has taken shape in me."

The poet's search for God is now over. Before, he didn't understand the truth. His soul was longing to unite with God, and he was always searching. But now, he feels God's presence. He understands that he is one with the all-powerful God. He realizes that he is part of God's greatness. By creating the illusionary world, God put a barrier within Himself and created humans. This means humans can find God within themselves. Even while living in this world, they can feel God's power inside them. This is what makes humans great and immortal.

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