I know that the day will come when my sight of this earth shall be lost (song 92) by Rabindranath Tagore (poem, summary & analysis)


I know that the day will come when my sight of this earth shall be lost (song 92) by Rabindranath Tagore (poem, summary & analysis) 

I know that the day will come when my sight of this earth shall be lost, and life will take its leave in silence, drawing the last curtain over my eyes.

Yet stars will watch at night, and morning rise as before, and hours heave like sea waves casting up pleasures and pains.

When I think of this end of my moments, the barrier of the moments breaks and I see by the light of death thy world with its careless treasures. Rare is its lowliest seat, rare is its meanest of lives.

Things that I longed for in vain and things that I got - let them pass. Let me but truly possess the things that I ever spurned and overlooked.

I know that the day will come when my sight of this earth shall be lost, and life will take its leave in silence, drawing the last curtain over my eyes.



This lyric by Tagore talks about life after death. He thinks about the time when his life will end, and he will close his eyes for the last time. Although he will leave this world, the stars will still shine, the morning will still come, and time will continue to flow. Facing death has changed the poet's perspective. He understands that even the simplest and humblest people have their own worth and importance. When he reflects on his life, the memories blend together, and in the light of death, he sees God's world filled with beautiful treasures. Now, the poet realizes that he no longer values material wealth, which he once considered so important. Instead, he understands that he should focus on spirituality, something he often overlooked during his earthly life.


Critical Analysis

Death is like a special kind of wisdom. When it feels far away, people get lost in enjoying life's pleasures. But when death arrives, they realize that all those pleasures are empty and unimportant. Suddenly, they see how valuable the things they ignored really are. The things that seem small or simple are often the most important. Spirituality is a key part of life, but when death calls, people often realize too late the love they have neglected. It's important to cherish the spiritual treasures of life while we still have time. In the end, the true treasures of faith, devotion, and eternity are what truly matter, and this becomes clear when facing death, making everything else seem trivial.

"When I think of this end of my moments, the barrier of the moments breaks I see by the light of death thy world with its careless treasures. Rare is its lowliest seat, rare is its meanest of lives."

Death can help us see things more clearly. Knowing that we will all die makes us understand what really matters in life. While we are alive, it’s easy to get distracted by everyday problems, but thinking about death helps us see beyond those distractions. It reveals that the world is full of hidden treasures. Suddenly, even the simplest life becomes special, and the most modest places look beautiful. Things we might have ignored before start to seem important and worthy of our attention.

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