Time Quotes - Time Fell in Love with Fate


Time Quotes

Time Fell in Love with Fate 

“Anyone who isn't embarrassed of who they were last year probably isn't learning enough.”

― Alain de Botton


“Time goes faster the more hollow it is. Lives with no meaning go straight past you, like trains that don’t stop at your station.”

― Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Shadow of the Wind


“It's such a shame to waste time. We always think we have so much of it.”

― Mitch Albom, For One More Day


“I wanted to go on sitting there, not talking, not listening to the others, keeping the moment precious for all time, because we were peaceful all of us, we were content and drowsy even as the bee who droned above our heads. In a little while it would be different, there would come tomorrow, and the next day and another year. And we would be changed perhaps, never sitting quite like this again. Some of us would go away, or suffer, or die, the future stretched away in front of us, unknown, unseen, not perhaps what we wanted, not what we planned. This moment was safe though, this could not be touched. Here we sat together, Maxim and I, hand-in-hand, and the past and the future mattered not at all. This was secure, this funny little fragment of time he would never remember, never think about again…For them it was just after lunch, quarter-past-three on a haphazard afternoon, like any hour, like any day. They did not want to hold it close, imprisoned and secure, as I did. They were not afraid.”

― Daphne du Maurier, Rebecca


“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you will ever have.”

― Eckhart Tolle


“The role played by time at the beginning of the universe is, I believe, the final key to removing the need for a Grand Designer, and revealing how the universe created itself. … Time itself must come to a stop. You can’t get to a time before the big bang, because there was no time before the big bang. We have finally found something that does not have a cause because there was no time for a cause to exist in. For me this means there is no possibility of a creator because there is no time for a creator to have existed. Since time itself began at the moment of the Big Bang, it was an event that could not have been caused or created by anyone or anything. … So when people ask me if a god created the universe, I tell them the question itself makes no sense. Time didn’t exist before the Big Bang, so there is no time for God to make the universe in. It’s like asking for directions to the edge of the Earth. The Earth is a sphere. It does not have an edge, so looking for it is a futile exercise.”

― Stephen W. Hawking


“Once, very long ago, Time fell in love with Fate. This, as you might imagine, proved problematic. Their romance disrupted the flow of time. It tangled the strings of fortune into knots.  The stars watched from the heavens nervously, worrying what might occur. What might happen to the days and nights were time to suffer a broken heart? What catastrophes might result if the same fate awaited Fate itself? The stars conspired and separated the two. For a while they breathed easier in the heavens. Time continued to flow as it always had, or perhaps imperceptibly slower. Fate weaved together the paths that were meant to intertwine, though perhaps a string was missed here and there. But eventually, Fate and Time found each other again.  In the heavens, the stars sighed, twinkling and fretting. They asked the Moon her advice. The Moon in turn called upon the parliament of owls to decide how best to proceed. The parliament of owls convened to discuss the matter amongst themselves night after night. They argued and debated while the world slept around them, and the world continued to turn, unaware that such important matters were under discussion while it slumbered.  The parliament of owls came to the logical conclusion that if the problem was in the combination, one of the elements should be removed. They chose to keep the one they felt more important. The parliament of owls told their decision to the stars and the stars agreed. The Moon did not, but on this night she was dark and could not offer her opinion.  So it was decided, and Fate was pulled apart. Ripped into pieces by beaks and claws. Fate’s screams echoed through the deepest corners and the highest heavens but no one dared to intervene save for a small brave mouse who snuck into the fray, creeping unnoticed through the blood and bone and feathers, and took Fate’s heart and kept it safe. When the furor died down there was nothing else left of Fate.  The owl who consumed Fate’s eyes gained great site, greater site then any that had been granted to a mortal creature before. The Parliament crowned him the Owl King. In the heavens the stars sparkled with relief but the moon was full of sorrow. And so time goes as it should and events that were once fated to happen are left instead to chance, and Chance never falls in love with anything for long. But the world is strange and endings are not truly endings no matter how the stars might wish it so.  Occasionally Fate can pull itself together again.  And Time is always waiting.”

― Erin Morgenstern, The Starless Sea


“Where your attention goes, your time goes”

― Idowu Koyenikan, Wealth for All: Living a Life of Success at the Edge of Your Ability


“The main problem with this great obsession for saving time is very simple: you can't save time. You can only spend it. But you can spend it wisely or foolishly.”

― Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh


“Everything changed the day she figured out there was exactly enough time for the important things in her life.”

― Brian Andreas


“Time heals all wounds. But not this one. Not yet.”

― Marie Lu, Champion


“Thirty years ago my older brother, who was ten years old at the time, was trying to get a report written on birds that he'd had three months to write, which was due the next day. We were out at our family cabin in Bolinas, and he was at the kitchen table close to tears, surrounded by binder paper and pencils and unopened books about birds, immobilized by the hugeness of the task ahead. Then my father sat down beside him put his arm around my brother's shoulder, and said, "Bird by bird, buddy. Just take it bird by bird.”

― Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird


“Real museums are places where Time is transformed into Space.”

― Orhan Pamuk, The Museum of Innocence


“A man is the sum of his misfortunes. One day you'd think misfortune would get tired but then time is your misfortune”

― William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury


“But I was young

and didn’t know better

and someone should have told me to capture every second

every kiss & every night

Because now I’m sitting here alone and it’s getting really hard to breath because tears are growing in my throat and they want to break out, but there are people


and I just want to be somewhere silent

somewhere still

But still I don’t want to be alone because I’m scared and lonely

and I don’t understand

Because I was alone my whole life

My whole life

I was so damn lonely and I was content with that

because I liked myself and my own company

and I didn’t need anyone

I thought

But then there was you .. ...


So, someone should have told me that love is for those few brave who can handle the unbearable emptiness,

the unbearable guilt and lack of oneself,

Because I lost myself to someone I love

and I might get myself back one day

but it will take time, it will take time.


This is gonna take some time.


I wish someone would have told me this.

Someone should have told me this.”

― Charlotte Eriksson, Empty Roads & Broken Bottles: in search for The Great Perhaps


“There’s a kind of time travel in letters, isn’t there? I imagine you laughing at my small joke; I imagine you groaning; I imagine you throwing my words away. Do I have you still? Do I address empty air and the flies that will eat this carcass? You could leave me for five years, you could return never—and I have to write the rest of this not knowing.”

― Amal El-Mohtar, This Is How You Lose the Time War


“We’re running out of time, he said.


As if time were the kind of thing you could run out of, as if it were measured into bowls that were handed to us at birth and if we ate too much or too fast or right before jumping into the water then our time would be lost, wasted, already spent.


But time is beyond our finite comprehension. It’s endless, it exists outside of us; we cannot run out of it or lose track of it or find a way to hold on to it. Time goes on even when we do not.”

― Tahereh Mafi, Unravel Me


“Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.”

― Henry Van Dyke


“Time management is about life management.”

― Idowu Koyenikan, Wealth for All: Living a Life of Success at the Edge of Your Ability


“Months are different in college, especially freshman year. Too much happens. Every freshman month equals six regular months—they're like dog months.”

― Rainbow Rowell, Fangirl


“Time doesn’t heal all wounds. We both know that’s bullshit; it comes from people who have nothing comforting or original to say.”

― Adam Silvera, History Is All You Left Me

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