Paradise Lost by John Milton (Story of the Poem)


Paradise Lost

by John Milton

(Story of the Poem) 

In the vastness of space and the heavenly realm, a cosmic rebellion brews. Satan, once an archangel, driven by envy and pride, persuades a third of the heavenly host to rise against their creator, God. The resulting war between good and evil shakes the very foundations of existence.

Defeated and banished to Hell, Satan and his fallen angels, now devils, establish their infernal capital, Pandemonium. In the fiery torments of Hell, Satan plots revenge against God and aims to corrupt His greatest creation – humankind.

On Earth, in the beautiful Garden of Eden, live Adam and Eve, the first humans, blessed with innocence, harmony, and perpetual youth in God's image. However, their idyllic life is threatened by Satan in the guise of a serpent.

The serpent tempts Eve with the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, promising wisdom and divine power. Intrigued, Eve succumbs to temptation and persuades Adam to join her in disobedience.

Their transgression has severe consequences. God confronts them, stripping away their innocence, burdening them with mortality, and banishing them from Eden into the harsh world beyond.

The Fall of Man becomes a turning point in human history, introducing sin and death. Adam and Eve, once perfect in their creator's eyes, now endure the limitations and suffering of human existence.

Yet, amid despair, a glimmer of hope emerges. God, in infinite mercy, promises a redeemer, a descendant of Adam and Eve, who will defeat Satan and restore humanity to grace.

"Paradise Lost" narrates a tale of rebellion, temptation, and redemption, exploring the human condition and our relationship with God. It stands as a literary masterpiece, an enduring epic that captivates and inspires readers through generations.

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