Paradise Lost by John Milton (Book 7 Analysis)


Paradise Lost

by John Milton

(Book 7 Analysis) 

In the seventh book of Paradise Lost, a crucial turning point unfolds in the epic tale. Here, Raphael narrates the creation story to Adam, delving into various significant themes:


God and the Son:

Milton underscores the intimate connection between God and the Son. The Son emerges as the key executor of creation, faithfully carrying out God's will. This close relationship is hinted at in the opening lines, invoking Urania, the Muse of Astronomy, to aid in singing about "the Son, who made the Heav'ns and Earth."


Good and Evil:

The creation account highlights the stark contrast between good and evil. The Son shapes a world of beauty and order, while Satan rebels, seeking to undo the Son's work. The Son's descent into chaos symbolizes triumph over evil and the restoration of order.


Free Will:

Book VII emphasizes the significance of free will. God grants humanity the ability to choose between good and evil, a freedom essential for realizing human potential but also exposing them to temptation. The Son warns Adam and Eve but leaves the decision to them, a theme central to Milton's epic.


Knowledge and Obedience:

The book explores the interplay between knowledge and obedience. Adam and Eve have access to vast knowledge, except that of good and evil. This exception tests their obedience and guards against rebellion. However, succumbing to temptation and disobeying God leads to their expulsion from Eden and humanity's fall.


In conclusion, Book VII offers a profound exploration of Milton's theology, human nature, and his grand vision of the world. Beyond the mentioned themes, the book delves into the cosmos, time, space, angelic beings, the meaning of life, and humanity's purpose. It is an essential read for those seeking to grasp Paradise Lost and appreciate Milton's poetic brilliance, providing layers of insight and revelation for readers.

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