Paradise Lost by John Milton (Book 5 Analysis)


Paradise Lost

by John Milton

(Book 5 Analysis) 

In the fifth part of John Milton's big poem "Paradise Lost," the story takes a big turn. It dives into tricky stuff like free will, temptation, and what happens when you don't follow the rules. This part is crucial because Eve has this dream that basically predicts she's going to mess up, thanks to Satan's sneaky whispers. Meanwhile, an angel named Raphael visits Adam and Eve, giving them the lowdown they need to make smart choices.

Eve's dream, stirred up by Satan's tricky talk, shows her doing something she shouldn't—eating forbidden fruit and listening to a snake. It messes with her head, making her doubt and wonder. Even though Adam tries to calm her down, the dream sticks with Eve, making her see the Tree of Knowledge and its forbidden fruit in a different way.

God sends Raphael, a smart angel, to Eden to tell Adam and Eve about the dangers of disobeying. But here's the twist: Raphael's visit actually makes them more aware of the forbidden fruit and its temptation. Even though the idea is to help them make better choices, it ends up making them more likely to give in to temptation.

The conversation between Raphael and Adam shows that Adam really wants to understand evil and temptation. While he genuinely seeks knowledge, there's a hint of pride in wanting to know everything about human freedom. Raphael's answers explain things but also stress the importance of being humble and following God's rules.

Then there's this angel Abdiel, who sticks with God and doesn't fall for Satan's tricks. Abdiel's strong faith and goodness show Adam and Eve that they have a choice between good and evil.

In Book V, Milton uses tricks like foreshadowing and irony, along with deep talks, to make the story more intense and explore the tricky sides of human nature and free will. The book ends with Raphael leaving, leaving Adam and Eve to think about what he told them and make their own important choices.

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