Paradise Lost by John Milton (Book 11 Analysis)


Paradise Lost

by John Milton

(Book 11 Analysis) 

In the eleventh section of John Milton's grand poem Paradise Lost, something really important happens. Adam and Eve are dealing with the fallout of not following the rules, and then this angel called Michael shows up. Michael gives them a vision of what's going to happen to humanity. This part of the book talks a lot about big ideas like sin, free will, making up for mistakes, and what God has in mind for people.


Let's dive into what's going on:


Big Ideas

Consequences of Messing Up: At the start of Book XI, Adam and Eve are feeling pretty terrible. They messed up, and now they're sad about losing their innocence and bringing bad stuff like sin, death, and suffering into the world.

Doing What You Want and Taking Responsibility: Michael talks to Adam and stresses the idea that they chose to mess up; nobody forced them. This shows how important it is to take responsibility for what you do.

Fixing Things and God's Kindness: Even though Adam and Eve did something really wrong, Michael gives them a bit of hope. He reveals that God has a plan to make things right. The Son of God will sacrifice himself to give people a chance to be saved and get back to a good state.

Seeing What's Coming: Michael takes Adam on a trip through time, showing him what's going to happen in the future. Adam sees the rise and fall of civilizations, wars, and the ongoing battle between good and evil.

Making Sense of Why Bad Stuff Happens: Milton tries to explain why there's sin and suffering in a world created by a good God. He says that God allowed the Fall not to punish people but to give them a chance to grow and become better spiritually.


Literary Stuff

Fancy Comparisons: Milton uses these things called epic similes to compare Adam's sadness to the struggles of famous heroes from history and the Bible, like Samson and Noah. This helps us understand just how deep Adam's sadness is.

Knowing More Than the Characters: We, as readers, know God's plan to fix things, but Adam and Eve don't. This creates suspense and hope because we're waiting to see if God's promise will come true.

Lots of Bible Talk: Milton fills the poem with references to the Bible, connecting the story to Christian beliefs and making it more religious.

Feelings of Nature: Adam's emotional reactions to the visions show how humans can feel empathy and compassion. It's like the weather reflects his emotions, which is a fancy thing called pathetic fallacy.

Milton's Unique Writing Style: Milton writes in a special way called Miltonic verse. It gives the poem a majestic and serious feel.



In Book XI of Paradise Lost, the story takes a big turn. It goes from the nice Garden of Eden to the tough realities of life. Through Adam's sadness and Michael's teachings, Milton dives deep into ideas like sin, free will, making up for mistakes, and what God has planned for people. The book's deep themes and clever writing make it a really important part of Milton's epic masterpiece.

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