Thou Hast Made Me, And Shall Thy Work Decay? by John Donne (Study Guide)


Thou Hast Made Me, And Shall Thy Work Decay?

by John Donne

(Study Guide) 

About the Poet

Meet John Donne, an important English poet from a long time ago (1572-1631). He was not just a poet but also someone smart and important in the church. People think he's one of the most important figures in English literature.

John was born in a Catholic family when there was a lot of religious trouble. Even though he studied law at Oxford and Cambridge, he didn't become a lawyer. Instead, he went on adventures, did military stuff, and explored different things.

His early poems were about love and romance, and they had a clever and sometimes playful tone. Later on, he wrote more about serious things like religion, sin, and the struggle to do the right thing. His poetry is known for being really smart, mixing deep thoughts with strong images and creative comparisons.

John Donne's writing had a big impact on English literature. Other poets like Andrew Marvell, George Herbert, and Richard Crashaw were inspired by him. People still study and enjoy his poems today because they're full of deep ideas, strong feelings, and unique language.

Some of his famous works include "Songs and Sonnets," "Holy Sonnets," "Elegies," "Devotions upon Emergent Occasions," and "Death's Duel."

Even though John Donne lived a long time ago, his poems still make people think and feel. They give us insights into life, love, faith, and what it means to be human.


About Age (Period) of John Donne

John Donne lived during a time called the English Renaissance. This was a period between the late 15th and early 17th centuries when there was a lot of exciting stuff happening in culture and thinking. People were moving away from old ways of doing things and getting interested in classical learning, humanist ideas, and new ways of being creative.

During the English Renaissance, a bunch of famous writers like William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, Edmund Spenser, and John Donne himself, were creating lots of new and interesting literature. Donne, especially, wrote in a style called metaphysical poetry, which means his poems were full of smart ideas, strange comparisons, and talked about both everyday and spiritual things.

The English Renaissance was all about being curious and expressing yourself. People explored different types of writing and thought about things like love, beauty, life, and death. Donne's poems capture the spirit of this time, reflecting on what it means to be human and how we make sense of our changing world.

So, in simple terms, John Donne was a cool poet who lived during a time when people were really into learning new things, being creative, and figuring out what it means to be alive. And his poems still make us think about life and the world in a deep way today.



Thou hast made me, and shall thy work decay?

Repair me now, for now mine end doth haste,

I run to death, and death meets me as fast,

And all my pleasures are like yesterday;

I dare not move my dim eyes any way,

Despair behind, and death before doth cast

Such terror, and my feebled flesh doth waste

By sin in it, which it towards hell doth weigh.

Only thou art above, and when towards thee

By thy leave I can look, I rise again;

But our old subtle foe so tempteth me,

That not one hour I can myself sustain;

Thy grace may wing me to prevent his art,

And thou like adamant draw mine iron heart.



In John Donne's Holy Sonnet 1, titled "Thou Hast Made Me, And Shall Thy Work Decay?", the speaker is talking to God and asking if God will let him, God's creation, fall apart and become sinful. The speaker knows he made mistakes and feels weighed down by his sins. He wants God to fix him, like fixing a broken building.

The speaker admits he's connected to sin and feels drawn toward hell. He understands he's not strong enough to resist temptation and asks God for help. The speaker begs for God's grace to save him from eternal punishment. He wants God to give him the power to rise above temptation and go to heaven.

The poem ends with a strong comparison. God is like a magnet, and the speaker's heart is like iron. The speaker wants God to pull him strongly toward salvation.

In short, the sonnet shows the speaker desperately asking God for help. He knows he did wrong, feels spiritually broken, and hopes God will make him right again. The poem emphasizes the speaker's awareness of his own mistakes and his need for God's power to make him good again.



John Donne's "Holy Sonnet 1: Thou Hast Made Me, And Shall Thy Work Decay?" is a deep look into how people can feel weak, make mistakes, and really want to be saved by God. The poem talks about the speaker's fight with himself, showing how he knows he's done wrong, wants to change, and needs God's help.

The speaker starts by asking God a strong question: "You made me, so will you let me fall apart?" This makes us feel the speaker's worry that God might let him ruin what He created. The word "decay" here means getting worse, like when something falls apart.

The speaker knows he's messed up and describes his soul as a "ruined building." This means he feels broken inside because of the bad things he's done.

The poem talks a lot about sin, which means doing things that are really wrong. The speaker says his soul is tied to sin like a marriage, pulling him towards hell. This tells us the speaker understands that his actions have bad consequences.

The speaker says sorry to God and asks for help. He knows he's not strong enough to resist doing bad things on his own, so he asks God to give him strength. The speaker really wants to be saved and asks God to help him rise above sin and go to heaven.

At the end of the poem, there's a cool comparison. It says God is like a magnet and the speaker's heart is like iron. This means the speaker wants God to pull him close, like a magnet attracts iron. It shows the speaker wants to be drawn towards God and saved. The metaphor also tells us the speaker believes God has the power to change him and guide him to do what's right.

So, in simple terms, "Holy Sonnet 1" is about a person struggling with their mistakes, saying sorry to God, and asking for His help to become a better person.

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