Poets and Pancakes by Asokamitran (Study Guide)


Poets and Pancakes

by Asokamitran

(Study Guide) 

Ashokamitran was a famous writer from Tamil Nadu. He was born in 1931 and passed away in 2017. People think he was one of the most important writers after India became independent. He wrote more than 200 short stories, nine novels, and about 15 novellas, as well as other kinds of writing. His stories were translated into English, other European languages, and many Indian languages.

His stories were known for being funny and making fun of things in a clever way. He showed how people could be strong and happy even when life was hard for them. His stories talked about modern life and human emotions.

One of his popular novels, called "Thanneer," was praised a lot in Indian writing.

He started his writing career in the 1950s, and he first wrote in English. Later on, he became a full-time writer in Tamil after leaving his job as a screenwriter at Gemini Studios. He also worked as an editor for a literary journal called Kanaiyazhi for a long time.

He won awards for his work, like the Sahitya Akademi Award in 1996 for his collection of short stories called "Appavin Snehidar." He also received the Lilly Memorial Award, the Akshara Award, and the K.K. Birla Fellowship.

In 2017, at the age of 85, Ashokamitran passed away in Chennai. Even though he is no longer with us, his writing is still loved and read by people all over the world.



"Poets and Pancakes" by Asokamitran is a story that takes place in a small hotel called "Krishna Café," which is popular among poets and writers in Chennai, India. The story revolves around two main characters, Ranga Rao, a talented poet, and Srinivasan, a loyal waiter at the café.

Ranga Rao is a struggling poet who visits Krishna Café regularly to meet other poets and share his work. Despite his potential, he faces rejection and disappointment in the literary world. Srinivasan, the waiter, observes Ranga Rao's struggles and admires his passion for poetry.

The story showcases the interactions between the poets, the challenges they face in their writing careers, and the warmth of their camaraderie. Srinivasan becomes a silent witness to their dreams, desires, and frustrations.

One day, Ranga Rao receives an invitation to participate in a prestigious poetry event in America, offering him a chance to gain recognition. Overjoyed, he excitedly shares the news with his fellow poets at Krishna Café. However, Ranga Rao's happiness is short-lived as he faces financial difficulties to fund his trip abroad.

Moved by Ranga Rao's situation, Srinivasan decides to help him. He begins saving money from his meager earnings as a waiter to support Ranga Rao's journey. Srinivasan's dedication and sacrifice touch the hearts of the poets, and they also contribute to the cause.

With the collective efforts of the poets and Srinivasan, Ranga Rao's dream finally comes true, and he travels to America to represent India at the poetry event. The story ends with a sense of hope and unity among the poets and the realization that sometimes, even small acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone's life.

In "Poets and Pancakes," Asokamitran beautifully portrays the power of friendship, support, and the pursuit of artistic passion amid life's challenges.



"Poets and Pancakes" by Asokamitran is a heartwarming story that talks about friendship and dreams. It takes place in a little café called Krishna Café, where poets and writers often gather. The story mainly revolves around two characters: Ranga Rao, a poet with big dreams, and Srinivasan, a waiter at the café.

Ranga Rao is a poet who visits Krishna Café regularly to meet other poets and share his poetry. He dreams of becoming a successful poet, but he faces many difficulties along the way. Srinivasan, the waiter, watches Ranga Rao struggle and admires his passion for poetry.

The story shows how poets support each other in the café. They talk about their dreams and problems, forming a close-knit community. One day, Ranga Rao gets a special invitation to go to America for a poetry event. He is thrilled, but there's a problem – he doesn't have enough money to make the trip.

This is where the story gets touching. Srinivasan decides to help Ranga Rao. He starts saving money from his job as a waiter to help his poet friend. Other poets in the café also pitch in to support Ranga Rao's dream.

With everyone's help, Ranga Rao finally manages to go to America and represent India at the poetry event. The story ends happily, showing that when people come together and support each other, dreams can come true.

In "Poets and Pancakes," Asokamitran emphasizes the importance of friendship, kindness, and how supporting one another can make a difference in achieving our aspirations. It reminds us that even small acts of kindness can lead to something big and beautiful.


Major Characters

In "Poets and Pancakes," there are two major characters:


Ranga Rao: Ranga Rao is a poet who loves writing poems. He visits Krishna Café regularly to meet other poets and share his poetry with them. Ranga Rao dreams of becoming a successful poet and gaining recognition for his work. However, he faces many challenges and rejections in his journey to achieve his dream. Despite his struggles, he remains passionate about poetry and is determined to make his mark in the literary world.


Srinivasan: Srinivasan is a kind and loyal waiter at Krishna Café. He is a keen observer and notices Ranga Rao's dedication to poetry. Srinivasan admires Ranga Rao's talent and becomes his good friend. When he learns about Ranga Rao's opportunity to go to America for a poetry event, he decides to help him. Srinivasan starts saving his own money from his job as a waiter to support Ranga Rao's trip. He shows great compassion and selflessness, willing to do whatever it takes to help his friend achieve his dream. Srinivasan's actions highlight the power of friendship and the impact of small acts of kindness.



The theme of "Poets and Pancakes" is about friendship, support, and the pursuit of dreams. The story shows how poets at Krishna Café come together like a family, encouraging and helping each other. Ranga Rao's dream of becoming a successful poet is made possible because of the kindness and generosity of his friend Srinivasan and the other poets. The theme teaches us that when people support and care for each other, they can achieve their aspirations and make their dreams come true. It also emphasizes the significance of small acts of kindness and how they can have a big impact on someone's life. Overall, the story celebrates the power of friendship and the importance of helping one another in achieving our goals.


Rising Action

The rising action in "Poets and Pancakes" is the part of the story where the events become more exciting and build up to the main climax. It includes the challenges and developments that lead to the story's main problem and resolution.

In the story, the rising action begins when Ranga Rao, the aspiring poet, receives a special invitation to participate in a prestigious poetry event in America. He feels thrilled about this opportunity, as it could help him achieve his dream of becoming a successful poet.

However, there's a problem – Ranga Rao doesn't have enough money to travel to America. This creates tension and conflict in the story. As he faces this financial hurdle, he becomes uncertain about whether he can attend the event and showcase his talent on an international platform.

During the rising action, Ranga Rao shares his dilemma with the other poets at Krishna Café. They all understand his passion for poetry and empathize with his situation. This leads to a sense of unity among the poets, as they come together to support Ranga Rao's dream.

Srinivasan, the kind and observant waiter, plays a significant role in the rising action. He is deeply moved by Ranga Rao's predicament and decides to help him. Srinivasan starts saving money from his modest earnings to contribute to Ranga Rao's trip.

As the other poets learn about Srinivasan's efforts, they are also inspired to contribute their share to support Ranga Rao. This collective act of kindness and support adds to the tension and excitement, leading up to the story's climax.

The rising action sets the stage for the climax, where Ranga Rao's dream of going to America is finally realized through the combined efforts of his friends at Krishna Café. It shows the power of friendship and how small acts of kindness can make a significant difference in someone's life.



The climax in "Poets and Pancakes" is the most exciting and important part of the story. It's the moment when something crucial happens and the main problem or conflict reaches its peak.

In this story, the climax occurs when Ranga Rao's dream of going to America for the poetry event is about to come true. Thanks to the support and kindness of his friends at Krishna Café, especially Srinivasan the waiter, he finally has enough money to make the trip.

At this point, all the efforts and sacrifices made by Ranga Rao's friends lead to a heartwarming realization. Ranga Rao is filled with joy and gratitude as he prepares to represent India at the prestigious poetry event in America. It's a moment of triumph and fulfillment for Ranga Rao, as he overcomes the financial obstacle that was holding him back.

The climax is a turning point in the story, marking the high point of tension and excitement. It shows the power of friendship and the impact of coming together to support someone's dreams. From this moment on, the story moves towards its conclusion, where the loose ends are tied up, and we see the outcome of Ranga Rao's journey to America.


Falling Action

The falling action in "Poets and Pancakes" is the part of the story that comes after the climax. It is when the events start to wind down, and the tension and excitement decrease. The falling action leads to the story's resolution or ending.

In this story, the falling action begins after Ranga Rao's triumphant moment of getting enough money to go to America for the poetry event. The excitement of achieving his dream starts to settle, and the focus shifts towards the aftermath of the climax.

During the falling action, the story shows Ranga Rao's preparations and journey to America. It may highlight his emotions, thoughts, and interactions with his friends and fellow poets at Krishna Café before he departs for the poetry event.

As Ranga Rao leaves for America, there might be a sense of bittersweetness among his friends at Krishna Café. On one hand, they are happy for him and proud of his accomplishments. On the other hand, they might miss his presence and support in the café.

The falling action also allows the readers to see the impact of Ranga Rao's journey on the other characters and the café itself. It may explore how his absence affects the dynamics and relationships among the poets.

The falling action gradually brings the story to a conclusion, tying up loose ends and providing closure to the plot. It may reveal how Ranga Rao's experience at the poetry event turns out, as well as the lasting impact of the support and friendship he received from his friends at Krishna Café.

In simple terms, the falling action is like the gentle winding down of a rollercoaster ride after the thrilling climax, bringing the story to a satisfying end.

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