English Grammar - Adverbs (Position)


English Grammar

Adverbs (Position) 

Adverbs are versatile words that can modify verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, or even whole sentences. While they can appear in various positions within a sentence, the most common positions for adverbs are:


Before the main verb:

He quickly ran to catch the bus.

She always speaks confidently.


At the beginning of a sentence:

Suddenly, the door slammed shut.

Unfortunately, we missed the train.


After the verb "to be":

The book is beautifully written.

They are happily married.


Between the auxiliary verb and the main verb in a verb phrase:

She has never been to Europe.

They will definitely win the game.


Before or after the adjectives they modify:

It was an incredibly hot day.

He is quite tired.


Before or after other adverbs:

She speaks very softly.

He ran incredibly quickly.


At the end of a sentence, particularly when the adverb modifies the whole sentence:

We should study harder. (modifying the verb)

He arrived late, unfortunately. (modifying the whole sentence)


It's important to note that the position of adverbs can vary depending on the specific adverb, sentence structure, and intended emphasis. Adverb placement often depends on the desired meaning and style of the sentence.


Place the adverb in the correct position.


1.               He plays the piano. (usually)

2.               She speaks English. (fluently)

3.               We should apologize for the mistake. (sincerely)

4.               They arrived at the airport. (finally)

5.               The dog barked. (loudly)

6.               I finished my homework. (already)

7.               She walked to the store. (quickly)

8.               The children played in the park. (happily)

9.               He forgot his keys. (carelessly)

10.          They planned the party. (meticulously)




1.       He usually plays the piano.

2.       She speaks English fluently.

3.       We should sincerely apologize for the mistake.

4.       They finally arrived at the airport.

5.       The dog barked loudly.

6.       I have already finished my homework.

7.       She quickly walked to the store.

8.       The children played happily in the park.

9.       He carelessly forgot his keys.

10.  They meticulously planned the party.

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