Thus It is That Thy Joy in Me is So Full by Rabindranath Tagore (Poem & Summary)


Thus It is That Thy Joy in Me is So Full

by Rabindranath Tagore

(Poem & Summary)


This is the 56th poem of Gitanjali. The poem praises love. The lover and the beloved become completely absorbed in their love and experience the joy of being united. Love is so powerful that even the highest ruler is compelled to come down and meet their beloved. True love can always sense the presence of divine happiness. Tagore's style and technique in his love poetry are praiseworthy. He uses subtle and indirect language to convey important feelings and ideas.

Thus It is That Thy Joy in Me is So Full

Thus it is that thy joy in me is so full. Thus it is that thou hast come down to me. O thou lord of all heavens, where would be thy love if I were not?

Thou hast taken me as thy partner of all this wealth. In my heart is the endless play of thy delight. In my life thy will is ever taking shape.

And for this, thou who art the King of kings hast decked thyself in beauty to captivate my heart. And for this thy love loses itself in the love of thy lover, and there art thou seen in the perfect union of two.


The song is about love once again. Tagore, the writer, celebrates the theme of love. He sees himself as a lover and God as his beloved. The poet is happy because God loves him. God's love is so strong that He has come to be with the poet. This shows the amazing power of true and devoted love.

Speaking to the Lord of the Heavens, the poet says that God's love would be pointless if he, the poet, wasn't there. Just like how man needs God's love, God also needs man's love. Man's existence is important because it helps show the full glory of God. That's why God enjoys creating beautiful and magnificent forms of life. God has created everything, but He needs man to share in His joy of creation. His desires can only be fulfilled through man.

God, who is the king of kings, adorns Himself with the beauty and magnificence of nature to capture the hearts of men and win their love. The highest form of love is achieved when the love of the divine mixes with the love of humans. This union of love is noble, and God is always present in this perfect love.

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