Light, My Light by Rabindranath Tagore (Poem & Summary)


Light, My Light

by Rabindranath Tagore

(Poem & Summary) 

This is the 57th poem of Tagore’s ‘Gitanjali’. In the poem, Light represents the triumph over darkness. It is a symbol of spiritual happiness that puts an end to confusion and lack of knowledge. Light helps people realize that God is always present. Just like light, God is everywhere, and His creation celebrates and enjoys His warmth. Both people and nature are filled with joy, dancing and basking in His blessings.

Light is like a reflection of God. Even the Bible tells us that light was the first thing created, and God said, "Let there be light" to drive away the darkness of chaos. This divine light is a source of energy, divine wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment. Everyone—humans, nature, and even the heavens—is overwhelmed with joy and revitalized by this spiritual happiness. The poet is praising and thanking God for this wonderful gift.

Light, My Light

Light, my light, the world-filling light, the eye-kissing light, heart-sweetening light!

Ah, the light dances, my darling, at the centre of my life; the light strikes, my darling, the chords of my love; the sky opens, the wind runs wild, laughter passes over the earth.

The butterflies spread their sails on the sea of light. Lilies and jasmines surge up on the crest of the waves of light.

The light is shattered into gold on every cloud, my darling, and it scatters gems in profusion.

Mirth spreads from leaf to leaf, my darling, and gladness without measure. The heaven's river has drowned its banks and the flood of joy is abroad.

The song's words are a bit different from the previous ones that celebrated love. Now, Tagore sings a hymn praising a special kind of light that represents life, happiness, growth, and beauty. The poet talks directly to this light, praising it for bringing sweetness and joy to his eyes, heart, and the entire world. The poet considers this light an important part of his life, his beloved, and the center of his existence. This beloved light makes the poet's feelings of love come alive. When the light appears, the sky opens up and the wind runs freely across the whole earth. It's like the light of God, bringing wisdom, understanding, and love to the poet's soul.

The poet is in a very happy mood and, like Wordsworth, Tagore believes that nature is connected to the human mind. When people are happy, nature also enjoys, and when people are sad, nature feels sorrowful too. As the poet's heart dances with joy, even the butterflies, lilies, and jasmines join in the joyful mood. God has created this world and takes pleasure in His beautiful creation. Like humans, all living beings are blessed with His spiritual light. Butterflies spread their wings like sails, and lilies and jasmines bloom on the waves of light. The light turns every cloud into gold. It is the poet's beloved, the spiritual light, that scatters an abundance of diamonds. Nature is enjoying this happiness. Every leaf basks in the joyful and spiritual light. The merriment is boundless. The heavens are overflowing with joy, and this flood of joy has overwhelmed the earth too.

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