Antony and Cleopatra by William Shakespeare (Summary)


Antony and Cleopatra

by William Shakespeare


After the death of Julius Caesar, the Roman Empire was ruled by three men: Mark Antony, Octavius Caesar, and Lepidus.

Mark Antony commanded the eastern Mediterranean and lived in Egypt. He had also become infatuated with Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt. After the death of his wife, Fulvia, and the rebellion of Pompey against his fellow ruler Octavius, Antony was forced to leave for Rome.  He traveled with his friend Enobarbus.

In Rome, Antony and Octavius Caesar argued over the former's pleasures in Egypt. They eventually decided, that their friendship must be cemented by a political marriage between Antony and Octavia, Caesar's sister. Enobarbus refused to believe, that Antony would desert Cleopatra and told his Roman friends about the Egyptian court. The rulers, including Lepidus, made peace with the rebellious Pompey. During the feast, Pompey refused to allow his men to murder Lepidus.

Cleopatra received the news of Antony's marriage. After a fit of rage and jealousy, she realized that Octavia was no real romantic challenge. When Antony and Octavia reached Athens, they learned, that Caesar had revoked his peace treaty and attacked Pompey. He had also betrayed the triumvirate agreement by imprisoning Lepidus. Antony sent Octavia back to Rome to try to renew peace.

Antony went to Egypt to raise an army with Cleopatra. Caesar, disgusted by Antony's abandonment of Octavia, declared war on Antony and Cleopatra. Despite Enobarbus's advice, Antony decided to fight at sea at Actium. In the battle, Cleopatra's ships flew from the Roman fleet, and Antony was defeated.

Humiliated by his love for Cleopatra, Antony eventually chose to fight Caesar on land. His army began to lose faith in their leader after many indications of Antony's supposedly inevitable defeat. Enobarbus deserted Antony, leaving Antony saddened, not angry. Enobarbus was overcome with guilt for his betrayal of Antony and died alone in his grief.

At the battle, Cleopatra's men flew, abandoning Antony. Fearing Antony's anger, Cleopatra took refuge in her monument and sent false word that she was dead, hoping to win over his affections once more. Antony was shocked by the news and resolved to die himself. He fell onto his sword and was mortally wounded. At this point, Cleopatra's messenger went to inform him that the queen is still alive and found him dying alone. Antony was then taken up into the monument by Cleopatra and her waiting women, and he died in Cleopatra's arms.

Cleopatra could not bear the thought of being a prisoner of the Romans. When Caesar believed, that she was now his prisoner, she had a countryman bring her poisonous snakes in a basket. Her waiting women dressed her in state robes before she layed an asp on her breast and died, along with her women. Caesar, upon discovering the bodies, ordered that Antony and Cleopatra be buried together. Now unhindered in his quest for Egypt, Caesar returns to Rome and becomes Emperor.

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