In The Night of Weariness by Rabindra Nath Tagore (Text & Summary)


In The Night of Weariness

by Rabindra Nath Tagore

(Text & Summary) 

This is the Gitanjali Poem no. 25. In the poem, Tagore deals with the theme of death and his philosophy that it is not an end but a necessary stage leading to a renewal of life. He says, that new man should gladly welcome death. He asks man to place complete faith in God, who shall arrange everything.

In The Night of Weariness

In the night of weariness let me give myself up to sleep without struggle, resting my trust upon thee.

Let me not force my flagging spirit into a poor preparation for thy worship.

It is thou who drawest the veil of night upon the tired eyes of the day to renew its sight in a fresher gladness of awakening.


In this poem, the poet talks about Death. He tells us about how he shall give himself up willingly into God's hand. Tagore says, that he would die willingly and as happily as he goes to sleep after when he is weary in the night. He would not put up any struggle. He would place all his faith in God and trust Him. He is dying anyway, so he would not like to struggle. He would keep everything in God’s hands because he knows that it is God who decides when man is to die so that he can awaken fresh and new in a new dawn.

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