Coleridge’s Biographia Literaria - Introduction


Coleridge’s Biographia Literaria


The Biographia Literaria was one of Coleridge’s main critical studies. In this work, he discussed the elements of writing and what writing should be to be considered genius. Although the work is not written from Coleridge’s poetic mind, it is still written with the qualities and rhythm of the poetic. Not only does he discuss literature itself, he discusses the many variables that influence and inspire writers. Through this discussion, he makes many value judgments, leaving his audience with a clear understanding of his stance on certain issues. Some of the issues he tackles include politics, religion, social values, and human identity. His treatment of these issues tends to be conservative in its foundation, yet also blatant and original. He does not cater to a certain audience; rather he expresses his own thoughts from a personal viewpoint.

Biographia Literaria is the greatest book of criticism in English, and one of the most annoying in any language. Wordsworth is the hero of the Biographia Literaria, but in addition to him there is another important, although less visible, protagonist, and this is Schelling. His influence on Coleridge was a good deal more important than that of other German philosophers and men of letters he came into more or less direct contact with, and this had a decisive impact on the format and meaning of the Biographia Literaria. Coleridge wrote the Biographia to defend Wordsworth’s poetry, or in part he did.

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