Quotes (Positive Thinking) (5)



(Positive Thinking)


1.       “Viciousness is part of the world we live in, some of us choose to ignore it with the rationalization of wanting only positivity to flow our way. How selfish we have become! That the pain of others has become a hindrance to the fulfilment of our positive selves.”

― Aysha Taryam


2.       “When you are worried about thinking why you can't, you are losing the reasons why you should.”

― Ameya Agrawal


3.       “Your reality is a reflection of yourself”

― Avis J. Williams


4.       “I won't be mad at you because you gave me something no one else has: the ability to live even when I thought I was dead.”

― Alexandria Hampton


5.       “You are beautiful. Have a day much like yourself.”

― Dayna Lovely


6.       “You are the water that flows freely, the most dynamic force on the planet with the ability to change course and outlook at any time. You can be a raging river or a placid pond. A source of nourishment, or a breaker of walls. Part of an ocean or a solitary drop. You are dynamic, you are beauty, you are life.”

― Tom Althouse


7.       “...to think bad thoughts is really the easiest thing in the world." If you leave your mind to itself, it will spiral you down into the ever-increasing unhappiness. To think good thoughts, however, requires effort. This is one of the things that discipline - training - is about. So, train your mind to dwell on sweet perfumes...”

― James Clavell


8.       “The more positive you think the earlier you will discover opportunities and the easier you will overcome obstacles.”

― Israelmore Ayivor


9.       “Leadership is about making and maintaining a positive change. True leaders do not conform to the limits of the environments they stay in; they transform it positively!”

― Israelmore Ayivor


10.“Stop worrying about what tomorrow may bring. Focus on what you can control. Stay positive. Enjoy today. Expect good things to come.”

― Karen Salmansohn


11.“Just because life is full of craziness doesn't mean you must go crazy. You can experience outer chaos and still find inner peace. Nothing even needs to change outside of you for you to find calm inside of you. This inner calm is available at all times. Just breathe.”

― Karen Salmansohn


12.“Positive thoughts precede positive results.”

― Matshona Dhliwayo


13.“If We see in Everything, something Positive a smile will sooner be There then a tear,”

― Jan Jansen


14.“I Don’t Suffer From A Complex But The Complex Suffers From Me.”

― Amit Abraham


15.“Dream high and exceed your expectations.”

― Lailah Gifty Akita


16.“You can't make every wrong decision right but you can stop deciding to take another wrong action.”

― Jay Danzie


17.“When you follow your desires, your fears fade.”

― Jackie Ruka


18.“The goal of life isn't to make lots of money. It’s to make a life that means EXCLUSIVE.”

― Mohit Manke


19.“You will only receive from the universe the fruits of your thoughts”

― Micheline Jean Louis


20.“Two great prayers;

Yahweh, grant me grace for my daily activities.

Yahweh, protect me from all evil, so that my life will be free of pain in Jesus’ name. Amen!”

― Lailah Gifty Akita


21.“Your mind believes what you tell it, so tell it positive things”

― Jennifer Milius


22.“Discipline your mind to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event.”

― Roy Bennett


23.“Every cloud doesn't have a silver lining but making time to look at the beauty of clouds can give you peace of mind”

― C.L. Bennett


24.“Inspiration is both the cause and the effect of living a positive life.”

― Dayna Lovely


25.“Being positive all the time is such a catchy idea, and it’s easy to preach. I guess that’s why it is popular. But life reveals itself in successions of up’s and down’s and if you plan to be positive all the time you will definitely fail.”

― Gudjon Bergmann


26.“By thinking mostly about everything that has gone wrong, is going wrong, and can possibly go wrong, the thinker is bound to end up in a lousy mental and emotional state.”

― Gudjon Bergmann


27.“Your mind believes what you tell it, so tell it positive things”

― Jen Milius


28.“God gave us imaginations because that’s one of the ways we can visit the future! Thoughts are transport media!”

― Israelmore Ayivor


29.“Stop looking back on your life and wishing it was different because pursuing that kind of mental activity will never lead to any worthy accomplishment. Think about what ‘can be’ rather than what ‘Was’.”

― Hina Hashmi


30.“Beholding beauty: The key is to acquire the ability to alter our negativity. To do this we use our capacity to project, but in a healthy way. Instead of expelling negative feelings and thoughts onto the world, we project good ones. Envisioning beauty and love in our mind's eye accomplishes this end. Then we create a lighter psychological paradigm....We have the power to elevate our thoughts, feelings, and images, and when we teach ourselves how to behold beauty, we become increasingly sensitive to it.”

― Adele von Rust McCormick

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