English Grammar - Adjectives used as nouns

English Grammar

Adjectives used as nouns 

Adjectives and Nouns are different parts of speech. A noun is a word that refers to a person, animal, thing, or idea, and an adjective describes a noun. For example, in the phrase 'a clever boy', 'clever' is an adjective, and 'boy' is a noun.

Nouns are commonly used as adjectives.

She is a book worm. (Here the noun book acts as an adjective modifying the noun worm.)

You lack table manners.


In English, some adjectives can function as nouns. These are adjectival nouns.

I read about the lifestyle of the rich and famous.

We provide health care for the poor and elderly.

'The rich', 'the famous', 'the poor', and 'the elderly' are adjectives used as nouns. These expressions mean people considered together as a group. For example, the rich means people who are rich.


These nouns are always plural and used with the definite article.

The English are proud of their sense of humor.

The rich should help the poor.

The unemployed are losing hope.

The government should do something for the jobless.


The adjective cannot be used without the article ‘the’ in these expressions.

In some cases, these expressions can have a singular meaning. Examples are: the accused, the injured, the diseased etc.

The deceased is survived by his wife.


Some adjectives stand for persons. They can also be used as nouns.

We should respect our elders.

We should be kind to our inferiors.

The seniors should not torment their juniors.

The rights of minors should be protected.


Adjectives can form part of certain phrases.

In short, you must behave well.

The long and short of this is that he has lost his credibility.

I shall stand by you through thick and thin.

At best, I can arrange lodging for two more nights. 

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