The Mother of a Traitor by Maxim Gorky (Analysis)

The Mother of a Traitor

by Maxim Gorky



Maxim Gorky was the pen name of Alexi Maximovich Peshkov. He was the great central name of the modern Russian literature. He led a life of poverty which helped him to mix with poor and downtrodden people. The same people found the place in his stories as their characters. He was much influenced by Bolshevism and the revolution. He wrote not only short stories but novels and plays also.

The story is based on a maxim which says “God cannot be everywhere so He created the mother.”

‘The Mother of a Traitor’ is a story of ‘the mother’. It is a story of a conflict in her mind. She is puzzled which to prefer – her love for her nation or her love for her son but ultimately, she resolves it and proves herself both a citizen and a mother. The traitor is the son of this mother Monna Marianna. When he finds his mother in his camp with him, he decides to ruin the city. When the mother fails to stop her son, she kills her son and proves herself a good citizen, who has saved her country by killing him. She plunged the same dagger into her own heart.

The son of the mother is vainly proud of himself, he loves glory. In the story it is mentioned “in silk and velvet he stood before her, his weapons were studded with precious stones”. According to the son ‘he is born in the world and for the world and he wants to make the world quake with the wonder of him. He considers stones as dumb unless man makes them speak. He wants mountains speak for him. He needs men to keep himself immortal in their memory. According to him the destroyer is as glorious as the builder of a city. For women, he says that they are many and one tires of them as of everything, that is too sweet. He does not want any children as he fears that someone like him will kill them, that will give him pain, and he shall be too old to avenge them.

This story is about the mother and the motherhood. The writer portrays a touching picture of a mother. In the story there are numerous passages which tell us about the motherhood – “for all weapons are abhorrent to mothers save those that protect life”, “she stood before whom she had known him nine month before his birth, whom she had never felt apart from her own heart”, “a mother creates, she protects and to speak to her destruction means to speak against her”, “a mother is always oppose to death and the hand that brings death into the house of men is hateful and abhorrent to mothers”, “a mother can be as clever and ruthless as she is fearless when the life she creates and cherishes is in question”.

In the story the writer has taken a great interest in describing the situation of the city and for this he makes many concrete images drawn from nature – “over the black ridges of the mountains rose the moon like a lost shield dented by sword blows”, “and in this darkness like a fish stirring in the depths of a river a woman moved soundlessly”. ‘The Mother of a Traitor’ is a story of that mother who represents all mothers. In other words, it is a story of The Mother.

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